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How to hide installed programs in Windows 10

Hello! Whenever we install a program, it is displayed in the program list. Therefore, everyone who uses the computer will be able to see...

If you connect a Razer mouse to Windows, you will get administrator privileges.

Hello! Windows is still perceived as a simple system to compromise. At times, this may be an exaggerated image. However, the facts continue to...

Learn all about Windows sticky notes.

Hello! Daily, we do a lot of activities. For example, sometimes it is necessary to make notes urgently. Consequently, we use post-it notes and...

How to officially test Windows 11 today

Hello! Recently there has been some news for Windows 11. Indeed, members of the Insider program started to have access to build 22000.160. Therefore,...

Learn how to quickly restart Windows 10 Explorer

Hello! Consider this scenario. You are working on your computer. Then, something goes wrong and the system stops responding. Consequently, the simplest and most...

The latest Windows 10 update breaks the gaming experience

Hello! It is well known that some Windows updates break things. Indeed, this has been a recurring practice. Specifically, the last two updates corresponding...

How to speed up Windows 10 shutdown

Hello! It is very important that the computer runs smoothly. Therefore, speeding up the system shutdown is a good measure to take. Moreover, it...

Windows 96 is a web parody of Windows 95

Hello! There are versions of older operating systems that work in a browser tab. Indeed, there are versions of Windows 95 and Windows XP....

How to enable ClearType in Windows 10

Hello! Today we will talk a little bit about ClearType. Indeed, this is a font smoothing technology. As a result, the text on the...

How to enable hardware acceleration in Windows 10.

Hello! We all know that a new, or newly formatted computer runs very well. However, as time goes by, this changes. Indeed, it is...

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