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Microsoft fixes Windows 11 bug that affected the performance of games and apps.

More and more users are deciding to give Windows 11 a try. Sadly, they are also those who realize all the problems that this...

Introducing Obsidian, a different kind of note manager.

Hello! Today we will talk about Obsidian. If you didn't know it, you will surely be surprised. Actually, we promise you that it will...

What is the difference between FAT32, NTFS and exFAT?

FAT32, NTFS and exFAT are three different file systems. They are also used to store data on a storage device. They were created by...

Windows prevents websites from stealing your passwords.

Hello! Internet security is a crucial issue. Indeed, users are becoming more and more aware of this fact. Therefore, they are more concerned about...

How to get the most out of the clipboard in Windows 11

Copy and paste. Certainly, using the Windows clipboard is easy. However, it is possible to convert this basic tool into a more advanced one....

How to make backups copies in Windows 11

We have previously talked about backups in Windows 11. In fact, we showed the general definition. Also, the types and differences. Certainly, we analyzed...

Types of Backup copies.

Hello! Today, we will see a guide with everything you need to know about backups in Windows 11. This way you will be able...

8 applications to customize Windows

Hello! Customizing Windows and adjusting it to the needs of each user is possible. It is also very necessary. Certainly, Microsoft operating systems are...

The 10 macOS Ventura features that Windows 11 should take note of.

The latest annual macOS update, Ventura, is here. It brings with it many new features. If we take into account the big problem of...

PC Manager is Microsoft’s new app to optimize Windows.

Windows users know that over time the operating system accumulates junk files. These files are the result of some of the tasks we perform...

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