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How to take screenshots in Windows 11.

Hello! As in Windows 10, Microsoft has integrated several ways to take screenshots in the latest version of its operating system. Certainly, way to...

The best apps for Windows 11

Hi! It's been several months since the release of Windows 11. In fact, it's almost a year now. After many months since the...

Top 9 tools to recover Windows 10 password

Hello! Passwords are the most widely used method of authentication. Also, in Windows 10 as in any other operating system they have a great...

4 applications to remove duplicate files

Hello! In recent times, we have experienced a relative decline in the amount of storage space. Indeed, SSDs, which are still more expensive than...

How to manage Windows services.

Services are those programs that are usually intended to be run in the background. In addition, the user does not often interact directly with...

How to back up Wi-Fi passwords on Windows 10.

Hello! Every time we connect to a Wi-Fi network, Windows creates a log with all the passwords of the access points (SSID). This way,...

The seven most important new features of Windows 11 22H2 Update

Hello! The Windows 11 22H2 update was certainly long awaited by all. Largely due to the visual changes it integrates. In addition to new...

Interesting uses for a USB flash drive.

Hello! Surely you are more than familiar with the different cloud services to store everything we want. Indeed, you can save almost everything. From...

What is each function key used for on Windows?

Keyboards are full of function keys. So, we have set out to explain to you what each one of them does in the simplest...

This is the difference between terminal, console, shell and command line.

Hello! working in text mode, Manage from the command line, Open the console. All of them are expressions that refer to similar concepts and...

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