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The best file compressors for PC.

File compressors are a very useful type of application for any PC. Logically, there is an increase in the storage capacity of hard disks...

Best programs to recover data

Hello! There are many reasons why we can lose our personal files. For example, a hard disk failure, a virus, a Windows error, even...

The best antivirus for Windows in 2022

Hello! It is a reality that the Internet is plagued by numerous threats to your computer and yourself. Indeed, a simple email, or clicking...

How to improve hard drive speed in Windows 10/11

Hello! You have probably noticed how your PCs hard disk is getting slower and slower as time goes by. In fact, read and write...

15 trending freeware programs for Windows. (Part II)

Hi! Free programs don't always get all the visibility they deserve. This can happen due to lack of promotion or simple market saturation. As...

The paid version of Microsoft Defender has arrived.

One of the best features that came with the release of Windows 10 was the current Windows Defender. We are talking about a completely...

What does a Trojan do on your computer and how to avoid it?

There are many types of computer attacks that can compromise security when surfing the Internet. It also happens when using any device. Today we...

Some reasons to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11

Windows 11 is not generating the impact they have been looking for in users. Indeed, some myths prevent them from upgrading from Windows 10...

I cannot copy and paste on Windows. How to fix it.

Windows has a list of widely used functions that we all rely on almost daily. However, there is one that stands out above the...

Windows Error 0x800700a1: how to fix it

Hello! Windows is designed so that anyone can enjoy their computer without needing to know too much about computers. In truth, it is a...

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