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10 must-have free applications for Windows 10.

Hello! Free applications have become extremely popular. Especially thanks to the introduction of different monetization systems. These systems in most cases use advertising to...

Services that you can disable to make Windows 10 run faster

Hello! Windows 10 brings with it great improvements and new features. However, not everything is always positive, and we also have to deal with...

This reduced version of Windows XP works perfectly in the browser.

Hello! For some years now, emulating complete operating systems directly in the browser has become a challenge for some developers. Indeed, we have seen...

MSconfig. What it is and how to use it in Windows.

Hello! Microsoft's operating system is present in a good part of computers. In addition, it brings with it all kinds of key tools to...

How to customize the mouse pointer in Windows 11

Windows 11 integrates different tools that will try to customize to the maximum the experience that you can have while using it. For example,...

Some aspects and commands of Windows Terminal

Using the command line to perform certain actions has long seemed complicated. But for more advanced users, such as system administrators, using it is...

How to know the empty RAM slots of your PC

Many times, users want to know if it is possible to upgrade their equipment in terms of RAM. Sometimes for software needs we are...

The best tools to repair Windows 10

Hello! Let's say you are having problems with Windows 10. Either in the system or because of some malicious settings. Consequently, you can always...

7 tips to increase the performance of Windows 10.

Hello! Although Windows 11 will soon be 1 year since its launch, there are still many people who have not decided to take this...

Anti-phishing extensions

Hello! One of the most important problems we face when surfing the Internet is Phishing. This is a method used by hackers to steal...

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