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How to enable IIS in Windows Server 2019.

Hello, how are you? In this opportunity, we are going to talk about one of the functions that bring Windows Server 2019. When we...

How to install Active Directory on Windows 10.

Hello, how are you? Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2019 incorporates a very interesting feature called Active Directory Domain. Inasmuch as, allows you...

How to install MongoDB on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8

CentOS 8 is just out of the oven and we are still celebrating. It is not in vain that it is one of the...

How to add Windows 10 to Windows Server 2019 domain.

Hi. How are you? A Windows domain is essentially a network of controlled computers used in a business setting. In other words, it...

Install Linux Kernel 5.3 on Ubuntu 18.04

The Linux kernel is the engine of our operating system. It is mainly responsible for running the hardware we have and managing computer resources....

A Quick Tweak to Reduce Firefox Startup Time

When you open Firefox web browser there is a lot that happens in the background that you don't see. It performs routine checks, seeks...

How to install Nginx Server on Windows 10

Hello! This time I want to talk to you about Nginx. It is an open-source web server and reverse proxy server. In addition to...

How to set Your Phone on Windows 10

Hello! It is a real pleasure to be with you again. Technology is growing by leaps and bounds. And it is the desire of...

Setup Your Own DNS Forwarder With Zeroshell

I have already shown you how to install Zeroshell. Now it's time to continue exploring the underlying potential of Zeroshell and set it to...

Write a Bash Script to Queue Links for youtube-dl

Most people use YouTube. However, if you are like me and don’t like streaming your digital content and instead prefer to have raw media...

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