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TreasureHunter PoS Malware Source Code Published!

Malware is always our worst possible enemy and Point-of-sale is definitely a painful one of them. There are several other malware of the same...

CentOS 7 v1804 Released

CentOS is one of the major Linux distros for the server & cloud platform. You’ve heard about RHEL, right? CentOS is the free &...

Firefox 60 – New Great Features!

Firefox is always on the list of our favorite web browsers, right? Developed and maintained by Mozilla, this awesome web browser has got the...

SynAttack Ransomware Now Using Process Doppelgänging

Ransomware is one of the most heinous pieces of software floating in the cyber world. They attack a computer, encrypts its files and asks...

How to Use Nearby Sharing on Windows 10

Windows 10 is packed with tons of awesome features and “Nearby Sharing” is one of the latest additions to the arsenal. It is a...

How to Install Git

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a Windows user, Mac Pro or Linux dev, Git is always going to be one of the most important...

How to Add Plugins on VLC Media Player

There are hardly any people using PC who haven’t heard the name of VLC Media Player. It’s one of the most popular apps for...

How to Sync Your Linux with NTP

Time is the most important value in our life, philosophically speaking. Since the starting of our life, we’ve been taught that time is money....

How to Recover Corrupted Partition using Rescue Mode in CentOS/RHEL

The root partition is the core of every Linux system’s heart. This is the place where the operating system is stored. This is also...

How to Install Fedora 28 Workstation

Fedora is a nice Linux distro. It’s owned by Red Hat and developed by community-supported Fedora Project. This awesome distro is highly polished and...

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