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The Best Google-inspired Linux Themes

Personally, I’m a pretty big fan of Google and its Material design. I bet that you are as well. That’s why such Material themes...

Determine the Starting Time of a Process on Linux

In the Linux system, a number of processes must stay running all the time that ensures the system is up and working perfectly. We...

lsof Command on Linux

Linux is one of the most powerful platforms that offer the utmost control over your system. It comes up with a number of pre-installed...

Bash Auto Completion

When you’re on Linux, the art of “terminal and commands” is a daily dose. The terminal is a powerful solution for the Linux platform...

Install and Configure memcached on Ubuntu

You probably have heard about “memcached”, right? It’s a high-performance, distributed memory object caching server that can dramatically improve the performance of a database...

Improve your Linux Laptop’s Battery Life

For any portable device, the battery life is something really important. It’s more important for laptops and that you’ll carry with yourself for a...

Change Time Zone on CentOS and RHEL

Time zone is one of the most important and basic system settings that have to CORRECTLY set. Without a proper time zone, lots of...

How to Install CentOS on VirtualBox

CentOS is one of the most popular Linux distros because it’s the open-source version of the RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux). Almost all the...

How to install LEMP server on Debian 9?

Many web developers prefer Nginx to Apache. Actually, Nginx has a better performance but a slightly more delicate configuration than Apache. So today I'll...

Export Linux Command Outputs to a File

If you’re following OS Radar for quite a while, then you may already have noticed that lots of the posts tell about exporting the...

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