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How to block internet access from any application on Android

Hello friends! Surely you've ever wanted to block internet access to an app or game on your Android device. Maybe you want to save...

Differences between software and hardware firewalls

Hello! Having your computers protected is a must for them to work well and avoid problems. It is also a way to keep our...

How to bypass a firewall

Hello, In most schools, universities and at work there is a firewall. Indeed, this tool in combination with others, limits Internet browsing and protect...

How to block folders with Windows firewall

Hello! Maintaining security on the network is essential. In fact, we have several options to achieve it. We can install antivirus, but also a...

How to prevent Windows Attacks with SimpleWall

Having a firewall in Windows is a must. In fact, Microsoft implemented it for the first time in Windows XP. Certainly, it was a...

How to open ports in Linux?

Hello, friends. In this post, you will learn how to open ports in the Firewall using Linux. This way you will be able to...

Hardening Ubuntu Security with UFW Firewall

Firewall security is the key to manage all critical services. So many seasoned and decent securities are there. But, there is always room...

GlassWire is a free firewall for Windows.

When using the Internet, the system and some apps are likely to connect to the network. Of course, most of the time these are...

How to master Linux Server Securities

Today, in this article we will discuss how to master Linux server securities. Default securities are good in Linux but, require some extra care....

How to Configure a Firewall in Ubuntu 20.04 / Debian 10?

There is nothing safe from hackers on the Internet, however, we can implement security measures to be more protected against an attack. With this...

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