30.4 C


Termius is a powefull SSH client

System administrators or developers use the terminal a lot. This is well known by all. Especially the former, because they base their work on...

Install and Configure Samba on RHEL and Centos 8

Samba is a file sharing software which is sued to shared files between same and different operating systems. Today, You will learn that how...

Install Opera Web Browser on Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 19.04

Linux is a great operating system that is gaining more and more relevance today. That is why many applications that were previously available only...

5 things to do after install Ubuntu 19.04

Ubuntu is together with Linux Mint the two most popular Linux distributions in the world. That has to be said. They have obtained it...

Install MyCLI to improve the SQL typing

If we are using MySQL or MariaDB it is because we know the commands and the sentences. However, many times, despite knowing them, we...

Migrate word-press site to Ghost instances

As the name of the main subject of the post says this is about deploying a equivalent Ghost instance for a site that have...

3 Applications to download torrents in Linux

Downloads by torrent help not to collapse servers, especially when the files to download are too large. On the other hand, many people who...

Coreos : Your first step to docker and Kubernetes

The Coreos is the best Container operating system, using the Docker technology and that has been programmed to support ware-house scale massive server deployments.CoreOS...

Setting up OpenLdap and phpldapadmin

What? Let me start the post saying that OpenLdap is a yet another Linux service which build on top of the LDAP protocol ( Lightweight...

Using HTTPie on Linux

If you are a sysadmin or you are starting to be a sysadmin, it is normal to use the terminal too much. And you...

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