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5 things to do after install Ubuntu 19.04

Ubuntu is together with Linux Mint the two most popular Linux distributions in the world. That has to be said. They have obtained it thanks to its stability and focus on the novice user. Probably many of them use Ubuntu as their first Linux distribution. However, it can always be improved and here are the 5 things to do after install Ubuntu 19.04

Ubuntu 19.04 comes with few but very important new features. The main of them is the inclusion of GNOME 3.32 which improves the user experience. This is because GNOME 3.32 has included algorithms that considerably improve its performance and resource consumption. So just for that, it becomes interesting. On top of that, we have the Linux Kernel 5 that was recently released. Additionally, all applications have been updated such as LibreOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird and so on.

The 5 things to do after install Ubuntu 19.04

1) Upgrade the system

The first thing to do after installing Ubuntu 19.04 is to update the system. Once the system has been released until we install it some time passes and it is likely that during that time, security patches have been released. So open a terminal and run:

:~$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
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1.- After install Ubuntu 19.04 you need to upgrade the system
1.- After install Ubuntu 19.04 you need to upgrade the system

After entering the user’s password, the process will begin. Once finished, if you want to restart the system. In this way, the system becomes more stable and less prone to failures.

It is recommended to do it periodically to avoid gigantic updates.

2) Install Codecs Multimedia

A modern operating system that does not reproduce most of the world’s most popular multimedia codecs is not a good operating system. Fortunately, Ubuntu includes in its repositories a package that installs a lot of these codecs.

On the other hand, the package in question also installs Microsoft’s proprietary sources and other compression codecs.

So run the following command:

:~$ sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras

2.- Install restricted extras
2.- Install restricted extras

Then, accept the license terms.

3.- license terms
3.- license terms

Now, you can play all your favorite music and videos.

3) Check the Software and updates windows

The way updates and repositories are configured can be viewed in the software and update window. In the first tab, you can disable which series of packages to exclude from Ubuntu downloads. It is recommended to mark them all. As well as you can change the server where to download the packages.

4.- Software and updates
4.- Software and updates

In the Other Software tab, we can activate the software of Canonical partners that opens the doors to more packages.

5.- Canonical partners
5.- Canonical partners

4) Install Gnome-tweak-tool

GNOME is the default Ubuntu environment. So to customize it, change the default theme and other things you need to install Tweaks tool. This way you will have even more control of customization over Ubuntu.

:~$ sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool

6.- Install gnome tweak tool
6.- Install gnome tweak tool

It’s worth noting that you can not only modify GNOME through themes but also through extensions. These extensions are also managed by this tool.

5) Install Synaptic

Ubuntu’s software center is very good. However, it is often unreliable. So it’s always good to have the old and reliable Synaptic at hand.

Synaptic is a package manager that already has a few years on top that stands out for being fast and easy to install packages, as well as their removal and search.

:~$ sudo apt install synaptic

7.- Install synaptic
7.- Install synaptic

So, that is it.


These are from our point of view, the 5 things you have to do after installing Ubuntu 19.04. The rest is very much up to each user’s criteria like customizing themes or installing extensions for GNOME.

On the other hand, you can install many more applications like VLC or others to extend the functionality of Ubuntu.

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