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Install Opera Web Browser on Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 19.04

Linux is a great operating system that is gaining more and more relevance today. That is why many applications that were previously available only for Windows or MacOS make a presence in our favorite system. Some of them, for quite some time or since the beginning of their development, and others that are new arrivals. These applications cover a large number of categories, from tools to develop professional tools for servers or simply web browsers. Web browsers are a vital part of the use of our personal computer and in Linux, there are many alternatives. Therefore, today we will teach you how to install Opera web browser on Ubuntu 18.04. In addition, this tutorial also serves Ubuntu 19.04.

Opera is a well-known web browser in today’s world. Its development has been with us for some time so we are talking about a veteran program. It has many modern features, such as data synchronization, the ability to add extensions, as well as other more privacy oriented data. All this is achieved with moderate use of system resources.

So, let us start.

Install Opera Web Browser  on Ubuntu

The installation is quite simple, we will be able to do it, downloading the .deb package from the project website.

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1.- Opera Web browser
1.- Opera Web browser

Once the .DEB package has been downloaded, we can install it by double clicking on the package. But we can also do it faster from the terminal. Open the terminal and run the following command:

:~$ cd Downloads/
:~$ sudo dpkg -i [package_name]

Then you can launch it from the main menu.

Another way to install Opera Web Browser is to manually add its repository and then run the package. This method is more reliable than the previous one. So let’s go for it.

Open a terminal and add GPG key to the repository and then add the repository.

:~$ wget -qO- https://deb.opera.com/archive.key | sudo apt-key add -
:~$ echo deb https://deb.opera.com/opera-stable/ stable non-free | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opera.list

2.- Add the Opera repository
2.- Add the Opera repository

Then, refresh APT and install Opera web browser.

:~$ sudo apt update
:~$ sudo apt install opera-stable

3.- Install Opera Web Browser
3.- Install Opera Web Browser

After that, launch it and use it. If for any reason you wish to uninstall it. Run the following command:

:~$ sudo apt remove opera-stable

In case you also want to delete its repository, you can do it with this other command:

:~$ sudo rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opera.list

And that’s it.


Opera is a great alternative to the giants of Firefox and Google Chrome. It is quite fast and easy to use, as well as safe. Some users will not be happy to know that Opera is not open source but is a great web browser.

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