15.8 C


You can now install the new Windows 10 Alarms and Clock interface.

The next major Windows update is slowly approaching. Indeed, we have been keeping an eye on leaks and news. In addition, we have previously...

Windows Alarms and Clock will also be renewed.

Hello! Windows Alarms and Clock is part of the basic utilities of Windows 10. As its name suggests, it is used to manage the...

Windows 10 will hide the 3D objects folder.

Windows introduced its Creators Update (1703) version in the first week of 2017. Indeed, it came with many innovations. For example, Paint 3D. Which...

Windows 10 will completely change its interface

Microsoft has been making small adjustments to the Windows 10 interface since its release. Although the base has remained relatively stable. Slowly, modifications based...

Windows will receive its most important update in the last decade.

Hello! We are waiting for the next major update of Windows 10. Indeed, here we have told you about some new features. However, it...

Microsoft is working on a cloud version of Windows 10

Hello! Microsoft is working on the development of a cloud-based version of Windows 10. For now known as Cloud PC. In effect, it is...

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