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How to prevent a cyberattack on your Wi-Fi network

Hello! Today, we will learn How to prevent a cyberattack on your Wi-Fi network. The router has been a mainstay in most homes for some time now. Indeed, having the Internet at home today is essential, especially thanks to the boom in telecommuting and online classes after the pandemic. In addition, thanks to Wi-Fi, numerous devices are connected to the router. The danger is that some of them have sensitive information such as bank or personal data. It is important to maintain the integrity of these, even more so when any of us can be the target of a cyberattack.

These Wi-Fi networks are often the main target of cybercriminals. Indeed, they can use them to access all the information on the computers connected to them. On the other hand, hackers have refined their techniques. They can now access companies and organizations through home networks. Consequently, maintaining a good level of security for our home Internet network is tremendously essential. Read on to find out how to prevent a cyberattack on your Wi-Fi network.

Change the router password often

All routers come with a default password for the Wi-Fi network. In addition, this applies to both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz networks. Indeed, it is usually forceful with numbers and upper and lower case letters. However, being the default of the router is one of the main enemies of the security of our Wi-Fi network.

It is highly recommended that we change the password of our Wi-Fi network at least every 3 months. These passwords should be at least 16 characters each. In addition, they should randomly combine letters (upper and lower case), numbers and special characters. Obviously, this password should never be the same password that we already use for something else. Furthermore, it should not contain personal information that would make it easily deducible.

Keep the network SSID hidden

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It will have happened to you on more than one occasion that when connecting any of your devices to the Wi-Fi network, you have seen how other nearby options appear. By default, all Wi-Fi networks will appear when we are in range, even if they have a password.

For this reason, it is very fascinating to hide our Wi-Fi network. By doing this, we will have total and absolute control of the people who can connect to our Wi-Fi network. In addition, we prevent any cybercriminal from knowing of its existence.

Turn off the Wi-Fi when not in use

Although it may sound too logical, the truth is that it is something we do not usually consider. If we disable our Wi-Fi network when we leave home or when we are sleeping, we will prevent anyone from accessing it.
If you are worried about disconnecting the router, all of these devices can disable the Wi-Fi network without turning off the device or disconnecting it from the power. Some may even have a dedicated button on the router itself.

Limiting the transmitting power of antennas

The routers just out of the box have a configuration in their antennas so that they can send the Wi-Fi signal as far as possible. This is obviously for homes that have large dimensions. However, it is not usually necessary for apartments or other smaller buildings.

The router’s antennas are responsible for emitting the Wi-Fi signal. If we limit the power of their emission, we will still have a signal. However, this will also mean that someone outside our home will not receive enough signal to detect the network and access it. This is one of the ways to prevent a cyberattack.

Use WPA2 encryption

Wi-Fi networks have wireless security protocols to prevent undesirables from accessing it. These have improved greatly over the years. So if your router is old or if it is misconfigured, you are probably using an older protocol that is obviously more vulnerable.

We strongly recommend using the WPA2 protocol on our routers, as it is much more difficult to decrypt. Some devices may not be compatible with it, but they should at least be compatible with WPA. However, we must do not use WEP, as it has some significant security flaws.

Invest in a good router

Listen to what I say. Cheap is often expensive. Keep in mind that the router is the device in charge of managing your entire Wi-Fi connection. Consequently, we must use reliable and durable hardware. Most of the time, our network providers usually assign us the router. Moreover, these are typically very reliable devices.

However, it may be the case that you are the one who must personally purchase your router. In that sense, it is best to choose reliable and solid brands. Keep in mind that there may be offers with cheap prices. But this does not mean that they are also good. So, it is best to go for a model from a good brand. It doesn’t matter if it means spending more money.

Okay, so we have seen how to prevent a cyberattack on your Wi-Fi network. So, I hope these tips will help you to increase the security of your connection. See you soon!

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