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How to install Debian 10 Buster?

We’re partying. At last and after many months of constant development, Debian 10 is finally stable. In other words, we have a new version of the universal operating system. It comes loaded with a lot of new features that we have summarized in this article. So in this post, I will show you how to install Debian 10, Buster. The process is quite simple, you will see.

Install Debian 10 Buster

To install Debian 10 Buster, you need to download it first. However, I like to use the ISO DVD of approximately 3.5 Gb. It is the most complete and helps us to perform installations when the internet connection is bad or absent.

Being a very new release, it is recommended to make the download using BitTorrent. For all this, visit the download section on the Debian website.

Afterward, you can record the image in flash memory. We made a post about that, so do not worry.

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So, we can start.

First steps

Once you have entered the memo or DVD on the computer when you restart it will start to boot from it. You will see the first screen.

1.- Debian installer menu
1.- Debian installer menu

In that image, you will see that we’ll have several options. To start with the installer, you can choose the first or second option.

Then, you will have to choose the language of the system.

2.- You have to choose the installation language
2.- You have to choose the installation language

After that, select your location.

3.- Select your location
3.- Select your location

Now, you have to configure the keymap for the keyboard.

4.- Configure the keyboard to install Debian 10
4.- Configure the keyboard to install Debian 10

The installer will then try to configure the network interfaces. Therefore, I advise you to be connected to a network at this time. For example, Ethernet. Also, if a driver is needed and you have it in a memory unit, the installer will allow you to insert it.

After that, you will have to write the hostname. Anyway, after completing the installation, you can change it.

5.- Set the hostname
5.- Set the hostname

Later, the domain name.

6.- Domain name
6.- Domain name

Set up users and passwords

After that, you have to set the root password.

7.- Install Debian 10 - Setting the root password
7.- Install Debian 10 – Setting the root password

Now, type the full name for the regular user.

8.- Full name for the regular user
8.- Full name for the regular user

Then, type the username.

9.- Setting the username
9.- Setting the username

Next, type the password for the new user.

10.- User password
10.- User password

So, now comes the most complicated part of the installation. Disk partitioning.

Install Debian 10 – Disk Partitioning

First, you must select the partitioning method. You can use the guided method or define it manually. If you have an empty disk, it is best to use the first option. In the opposite case, it is best to do it manually. I choose the Manual option.

11.- To install Debian 10 you have to define the partitions
11.- To install Debian 10 you have to define the partitions

Then you’ll see all the partitions you have. In my case, I am using a virtual machine and I have an empty disk. Select the partition and set the following options.

12.- Partition option
12.- Partition option

Briefly, I will explain. The partition is defined with the EXT4 file system. It will be mounted on / i.e. the root will be everything. If you have data, you can format it.

In the case of an empty disc. First, you will have to make the partitions and then configure it.

13.- Create a new partition
13.- Create a new partition

In my case, I have defined two, that of the system and that of Swap. The reality is that if you have more than 10Gb of Ram Memory, the Swap is not so necessary anymore.

15.- Partitions ready to install Debian 10
15.- Partitions ready to install Debian 10

Next, confirm the changes.

16.- Confirm the disk changes before installing Debian 10
16.- Confirm the disk changes before installing Debian 10

Debian 10 is going to be installed

Then, the installer will start the installation process. First with the base system.

17.- Installing the system base
17.- Installing the base system

If like me, you are using the DVD, it will ask you if you want to analyze another DVD or CD. This is not my case, so I answered NO.

18.- You can scan another media source
18.- You can scan another media source

You can also use a network mirror. In my case, I will not use one.

19.- You can use a network mirror to complete the installation
19.- You can use a network mirror to complete the installation

Then, you can collaborate with Debian participating in the package usage survey.

20.- Debian Survey
20.- Debian Survey

After that, you can choose the Desktop Environment.

If you are going to use Debian as a server then it is not convenient to install a desktop environment. However, if it is for your personal computer, choose the one you want.

21.- Choose the desktop environment
21.- Choose the desktop environment

Then, it will start the installation.

22.- The installation will start
22.- The installation will start

So, next, you have to install the GRUB.

23.- Installing the GRUB
23.- Installing the GRUB

Define where install GRUB.

24.- Install GRUB on the MBR
24.- Install GRUB on the MBR

Finally, the installation will be finished. You can reboot and enjoy your new system.

25.- Debian 10 is installed
25.- Debian 10 is installed

26.- Debian 10 Buster
26.- Debian 10 Buster

So, that is it. Debian 10 is a rock.

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