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Visual Studio Code on Linux

Microsoft isn’t so popular for being a friendly company for the open-source community. However, Microsoft came up with a genius tool for the programmers...

How to install Skype on Archlinux and Manjaro

Skype still one of the most used chat tool on the world and can be installed on many devices  like Mac  Linux  Windows  and...

How to install InfluxDB on Ubuntu 18.04 and Debian 9?

Normally web servers are very popular among sysadmin. However using the network a lot, you can discover through certain tools, how it improves performance...

How to install Jenkins on OpenSUSE 15 / SUSE 15?

If we talk about Linux servers, the first thing we'll think about is Debian, Ubuntu or CentOS. However, more and more companies are relying...

Installing RPM on Ubuntu!?!?!?

RPM: Yo, UBUNTU!!! Ubuntu: WT…!?!?!?!?!?!? Well, I’ve been in the same situation before. I’m in need of a certain package that’s only available as an...

Metasploit on Ubuntu

Metasploit is a computer security project that provides valuable information about the security vulnerabilities of a system. It can also help a system admin penetration...

JetBrains WebStorm on Linux

JetBrains is always one of the finest developers in the world in terms of IDEs. They provide a number of pro IDEs that target...

How to install Apache Maven on Ubuntu 18.04 / Debian 9?

One of the things I like best for Java development is that there are many tools for it. Some of them become vital day...

How To install Linux Kernel 4.20 on Ubuntu 18.04 / Linux Mint 19?

The world of open source recently saw that the Linux kernel has a new version, in particular, the 4.20. This new version contains some...

How to install Virtualbox 6 on Ubuntu 18.04 / Linux Mint 19

If you're a big Linux fan, you'll probably need to install several distributions. A simple way to do this without having to install them...

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