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Simplified WPA/WPA2 Password Crack on 802.11 Networks

Wi-Fi is one of the most important parts of our everyday life where we can share our internet connection, files and more. In fact,...

Improve Your Browser Security with Malwarebytes

Malwarebytes is one of the most respected names in the market of security software. The brand has earned its fame over the course of...

Cryptojacking Campaign Infected 170,000 MikroTik Routers

Cryptocurrencies have to be mined before they’re added in the system. In this attempt, there are a number of people who invest on a...

Apps Caught Stealing User Data!

There are a number of apps caught collecting user information without any consent to their users! These apps are some Chrome and Firefox extensions,...

Bluetooth Crypto Bug

Bluetooth is one of the most obsolete techs of today’s world, right? Of course, Bluetooth is getting updated but it hardly keeps up with...

Beware of Droppers!

Since the starting of any popular operating system, there have always been some crooks who try to get illegal advantage on others’ machines and...

Open MongoDB Database Exposes Money Laundering Operation

When things are related to money, it’s very important that everything is safe and sound so that no one can illegally use others’ money...

GitHub Security Alerts for Python Projects

GitHub is one of the largest places where millions of developers collaborate and help each other in making a wonderful world of open-source software....

A Nice, Fresh Day with More Spectre!

Modern day CPUs are all flawed up to a severe extent, right? With the discovery of the Meltdown and Spectre, the life of everyone...

How to create a cluster with MariaDB Galera on Ubuntu 18.04?

The data that makes sense of the information must be safeguarded by system administrators around the world. Information management cannot be conceived without high...

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