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How to install Yarn on Ubuntu 18.04 / Ubuntu 19.04?

The management of dependencies in a programming project is vital. That is, with certain tools we can control everything related to the project libraries....

Install Opera Web Browser on Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 19.04

Linux is a great operating system that is gaining more and more relevance today. That is why many applications that were previously available only...

Stacer a great optimizer and monitoring Linux tool

Normally if we use Linux on a production server, it is important to monitor it. On the other hand, in everyday use, many users...

How to install Java on Ubuntu 19.04?

Java is one of the most popular programming languages out there. But not only that, it also consists of a software platform highly popular...

How to install Google Chrome on Ubuntu 19.04?

In this post we will show you how to install Google Chrome in Ubuntu 19.04. Google Chrome is one of the most popular web browsers...

5 things to do after install Ubuntu 19.04

Ubuntu is together with Linux Mint the two most popular Linux distributions in the world. That has to be said. They have obtained it...

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