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hard drive

The last update of Windows 10 could destroy your hard disk.

Hi! Microsoft keeps surprising us with their updates. But this time it does it negatively. Indeed, some users who installed the cumulative update KB4592438...

Diskpart is a very useful tool for managing storage in Windows 10.

Hello! Diskpart is an internal tool included in Windows systems that allows you to manage storage units. Indeed, it is possible to manage internal...

How to use CHKDSK in Windows 10

Hello! It is very important to ensure the integrity of the hard disk in the computer. Since it is an essential element for the...

How to partition the hard disk in Windows 10.

Hi. The hard drive is a must for running an operating system. In fact, all the information related to the system, as well as...

How to hide Hard Disk Drive in Windows 10

Hello there. Today we will talk about privacy in Windows 10. Specifically in relation to Hard Disk Drives. As we know, all the...

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