Hello there. Today we will talk about privacy in Windows 10. Specifically in relation to Hard Disk Drives. As we know, all the essential information for system works is found in it. In the same way, our personal information, data, maybe photos or videos, or just simply sensible information that we would like to maintain private. This becomes very important when we use shared equipment. With this in mind, keep our files save from thirds is very important and for that reason, Windows gives us tools to hide hard disk drives. Let´s do to show you how to hide Hard Disk Drive in Windows 10.
Using CMD to hide Hard Disk Drive
In order to open CMD, we need to type on the searching bar CMD to run a Command Prompt.

Once CMD is open, we need to input the next commands:
dispart List Volume
Now all currently active drives to be deployed in Windows 10. See image below:

This information can check it, into File Explorer:

Now, we need to select which unit we want to hide. In my case is Unit E. With this in mind, we can select it by choosing the number (select volume 3) or letter assigned (select volume E). Any of these commands have to be typed on Command Prompt. In this case, I selected volume 3.

Once the unit had been selected, we have to delete the letter assigned to the disk in order to hide it. To the end that, just type in CMD the nex command:
remove letter E

This is it, we can open File Explorer and check that the unit is not there anymore.

At the same time, if we want to restore visibility the unit again, just repeat same proceed through diskpart to select unit desired (3 or E), but we need to execute the next command:
assign letter E

Once again, we can open File Explorer to see how the unit has been restored to visibility.

Using Disk Management
Previously, we see how to hide a Hard Disk Unit using CMD, but Windows provide us a graphical tool too, called Disk Management. Let´s do it! In the first place open File Explorer, and do right-click on This PC, a menu will show up, and we have select manage.

A new window with the Computer Management will appear with several options inside. On the left side under Storage, select Disk Management. Them, please do right-click on the desired unit, and click Change Drive Letters and Path

On the next window, we have to select Remove

Now, we select the Remove option to remove the drive and hide it from the system. We will see the following message that we will accept to complete the process:

We open File Explorer and see that the unit is not visible anymore.

Once again, if we want to restore visibility to the unit, just repeat the same process to select it, dor right-click on it and select Change Drive Letters and Path, and select Add

On the next window, we must Assign the following drive letter, and can select the same (E) in order to restore visibility.

That is it, we can see two different ways of hiding Hard Disk, I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial. Also, I invite you to visit my post about how to change the default windows font.