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Netbeans 10 available with JDK 11 support

Even though it’s the holiday season, the world of Open Source doesn’t stop. Recently Apache Foundation announced that Netbeans 10 was released as a stable version. This is great news for all the developers of the project and those of us who benefit from this great IDE. So, let’s talk about it.

First of all, it has to be presented. Netbeans is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that is an application that focuses on being an editor with many tools to make application development easier. It has many plugins that expand its functionality and a large community willing to help.

Well, Netbeans 10 is here with us loaded with news. Of all of them, it is worth mentioning that it has support for JDK 11, something that will sincerely benefit Java developers. On the other hand, Java 11 is LTS. What its combination with Netbeans should produce good results.

As far as Java technology is concerned, Netbeans 10 has the following characteristics:

  • Removed the CORBA modules.
  • Support for JEP 309, Dynamic Class-File Constants.
  • Netbeans 10 now support for JEP 323, Local-Variable Syntax for Lambda Parameters.
  • Support for LVTI Support for Lamdba Parameters.
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As you can see, now the Java coding will be more fluid.

Netbeans 10 loves PHP

While Netbeans is a Java-focused IDE, this new version takes PHP and web development very much into account. Netbeans is a very competent IDE to make applications for the web although it pales in front of Atom or Sublime Text.

In spite of this, PHP receives a lot of affection, for example, in PHP 7.2 it already admits the final commas in the list syntax. In addition, coloring for an object type. If you use PHP 7.3, you can now add trailing commas in function calls and flexible Heredoc and Nowdoc Syntaxes.

Although there may be a few new features, it is true that PHP support is improving all the time. With Netbeans you can, for example, use the Zend and Symfony frameworks without add-ons.

More features

JUnit 5.3.1 has been added as a new Library to NetBeans, so you can quickly add it to your Java projects.

Another novelty of this new version of Netbeans is that the Jupiter engine is not supported, so the projects that have been created using that engine, will be maintained but the new ones remain with JUnit.


Netbeans is one of the world’s best-known IDEs. However, in recent times it has been somewhat overshadowed by the emergence of powerful text editors such as Atom or Sublime Text.

Finally, Netbeans 10 takes PHP development more and more seriously, incorporating subtle but important improvements in language compatibility.

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