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How to install Trisquel 9.0

A few days ago we talked about the release of Trisquel 9.0, this distro is based on the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS packages. Here we leave the post where they mention all the new features of Trisquel 9.0, under the name of Etiona.

On the other hand, the following post will show you how to install Trisquel 9.0. To download the image, from the official website of the distribution.

Install Trisquel 9.0

Step 1: Select installer’s language

Connect the device where the image is recorded, the first thing that appears is the language selection (the language selected is the installer)

Select the installer language
Select the installer language

Then, you will see in the image, several options, where you can try the distro or directly install it. Once finished we select “Install Trisquel

Trisquel Boot menu
Trisquel Boot menu
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The Trisquel logo appears, where we wait a couple of seconds to let the image load.

Trisquel boot screen
Trisquel boot screen

Step 2: Select the system language

Also, in the following image, you will ask us to select the language. However, in this case, it is the system language, in our case it is English.

Select the installation language
Select the installation language

Step 3: Select the language of the keyboard.

Similarly, as in the previous step, we will select the language from the keyboard.

Keyboard distribution
Keyboard distribution

Download updates whiles installing Trisquel

Completed with the language selection processor. If you are connected to the network, we have the option to download updates when installing Trisquel. However, we have the possibility of not downloading them. Where they don’t say “This saves time after installation.”

Installing Trisquel 9.0
Installing Trisquel 9.0

Step 3: Partitioning the disk

In this step, we have several options to install. The first one, if we have a previously installed system, will be removed, and then install Trisquel. The second is to install Trisquel along with the system we have installed.

Installation type
Installation type

Select the last option. Where they don’t say “Something else” to manually work with the partitions. Then, press the Continue button.

Trisquel 9.0 installation
Trisquel 9.0 installation

Step 4: Creating the partitions

Now we proceed to create a partition on the disk. But first, we need to create a new Partition table because it is an empty disk. So, click on the New Partition Table button.

Empty disk
Empty disk

We confirm the changes.

Creating a new partition table
Creating a new partition table

With the partition table created, it is time to create the system partitions. To do this click on the + button

Working with the disk before installing Trisquel 9.0
Working with the disk before installing Trisquel 9.0

In the size, we will type GB size. Leave some space reserved for the Swap partition. On type for the new partition, we select “Primary“. In Location for the new partition, we selected “Beginning of this space“. In Use as we leave it at “Ext 4 journaling file system“. Finally, at Mount point we selected “/

Working with the partitions
Working with the partitions

So, press the OK button.

Then we go to “Free space“. In this section, we leave everything the same, except for the last option in Use as we will select “swap area

Creating the swap partition
Creating the swap partition

Once finished, the partition will remain as in the image.

Working with the disk
Working with the disk

Next, we select “Install now” and then confirm the changes.

Confirm the changes
Confirm the changes

Step 5: Select your location

Once the partitioning process is completed, the next step is to select the location.

Select the location
Select the location

Step 6: User creation

In this step, we proceed to create the user, and we have the possibility in the last two options of “Log in automatically” or “Require my password to log in

Creating the new user for Trisquel
Creating the new user for Trisquel

Step 7: Installation processing

In this step, the installation is being processed, so that the user does not get bored offers a series of screens, (as in the image), where they welcome Trisquel.

Installing Trisquel 9.0
Installing Trisquel 9.0

Step 8: Restart the system

In this last step, once the process of installation is finished, a message will appear, where we have to restart the system.

Installation complete
Installation complete

Now we have Trisquel 9.0 installed.

Trisquel 9.0 desktop
Trisquel 9.0 desktop


The installation of Trisquel 9.0, is not complicated, the most difficult step is in the creation of the partition. Trisquel 9.0, has a “Trisquel mini” and Triskel edition. Each has changed in the desktop environment.

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