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How to install RethinkDB on CentOS 7?

Database managers are an essential part of an application. Almost all use a database. In transaction systems or desktop applications, it is common to see SQL database managers. However, in the field of mobile applications or some web applications, what is used are NoSQL type, database managers. So in this post, we’ll tell you about other NoSQL database managers. But not only that, we will teach you how to install RethinkDB on CentOS 7.

RethinkDB is a NoSQL open source database manager. Its main feature is that it has very minimal response times and updates. That is to say, it is frequently used in applications that require continuous access to the data. Thus, RethinkDB considers itself the open-source database for the real-time web.

On the other hand, it has drivers for many of today’s most popular languages. For example, PHP, Java, Ruby, Python, and others. In this way, you will be able to create robust applications based on the integrity and availability of data in real time. All this because RethinkDB integrates the latest advances in database technology.

So, let us start.

Install RethinkDB on CentOS 7

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Despite being a very robust database manager and highly qualified for many demanding applications, RethinkDB is not in the official CentOS 7 repositories. However, it has precompiled binaries that make installation quick and easy.

So the first thing we need to do is connect to our server. Or simply open a terminal.

Once we have done it, it is necessary to be the root user to continue the installation:

:~$ su

Then we added the RethinkDB repository. With this method, we will get updates from the same package manager making it easier to maintain. So we install first wget.

:~# yum install wget

1.- Install wget
1.- Install Wget

After that, add the repository:

:~# wget http://download.rethinkdb.com/centos/7/x86_64/rethinkdb.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/rethinkdb.repo

2.- Adding the repository
2.- Adding the repository

Then, install it.

:~# yum install rethinkdb

3.- Install RethinkDB on CentOS 7
3.- Install RethinkDB on CentOS 7

Then, copy the sample configuration file. Then you can edit it to your liking. However, in this case, we will only edit a few things.

:~# cp /etc/rethinkdb/default.conf.sample /etc/rethinkdb/instances.d/instance1.conf

Next, edit it. You can install nano for that.

:~# yum install nano
:~# nano /etc/rethinkdb/instances.d/instance1.conf

First, enable web access.

4.- Configuring RethinkDB
4.- Configuring RethinkDB

And the server name.

5.- Configuring RethinkDB
5.- Configuring RethinkDB

So, open the 8080 port.

:~# firewall-cmd --add-port=8080/tcp --permanent
:~# firewall-cmd --reload

Next, start the server:

:~# rethinkdb

6.- Start the RethinkDB server
6.- Start the RethinkDB server

To close it, press CTRL + C.

However, if the server is to be accessed from the entire network, in the configuration file you must include the option all on the network section.

And then, start the server, with the following command:

:~# rethinkdb --bind all

7.- Start RethinkDB
7.- Start RethinkDB

Finally, access using the web interface. Go to http://SERVER_IP:8080.

8.- RethinkDB web interface
8.- RethinkDB web interface

So, enjoy it.


RethinkDB is a database manager with quite a distinguished performance. So many large companies rely on it for their large-scale applications. Installing it on CentOS 7 is not a problem, quite the opposite is simple.

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