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How to install Vivaldi on Fedora 30?

Nowadays, there are a lot of web browsers. Most of them are cross-platform which makes them available for Linux. However, in Linux, it seems that the majority prefers Firefox, but always place for the exploration of alternatives for certain cases. We must bear in mind that the web plays a determining role in today’s society. For example, many applications are developed with the aim of being on the Internet. Or even, leisure activities such as enjoying multimedia services are done from the web browser. So knowing alternatives is never too much. So in this post, I will show you how to install Vivaldi on Fedora 30.

Vivaldi is a cross-platform web browser focused on performance and innovation. It is relatively new compared to veterans like Firefox, Google Chrome or Opera, but thanks to its speed and innovation have earned a place in many Linux users. Precisely thanks to its innovation that I like very much, for example, has been one of the first to support Razer Chroma.

So, let us start to install Vivaldi on Fedora 30.

Install Vivaldi on Fedora 30

The first thing we should do is visit Vivaldi’s website. It’s very nice and quite intuitive.

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1.- Vivaldi web site
1.- Vivaldi web site

On the site, you will also find downloads for other operating systems. But, Download the RPM package.

2.- Download Vivaldi web browser
2.- Download Vivaldi web browser

Then wait for the file to download. It should not take long.

After that, open a terminal to install it. We will use dnf which is Fedora 30’s package manager. This is so that in case the package requires dependencies, dnf manages them automatically. This makes the process much easier.

:~$ sudo dnf install [file_path]

3.- Install Vivaldi on Fedora 30
3.- Install Vivaldi on Fedora 30

Then, you can launch the application from the main menu. As you can see in the image, dnf managed some dependencies that Vivaldi needed.

4.- Vivaldi on Fedora 30
4.- Vivaldi on Fedora 30

So, enjoy Vivaldi.


Vivaldi is one of the best web browsers that exist today and having it installed is never a waste of time. So today you have learned to install it in Fedora 30.

Tell us, do you like Vivaldi? Did you know about him? Please share this post with your friends.

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  1. As a Fedora 30 and 31 user but NOT a develloper I am wondering if I can install Vivaldi without compromising Firefox, and by usinbg dnfdragora, rather than having to contend with a command line?

    • Hi. Thanks for commenting.

      Yes, Vivaldi can be installed together with Firefox without any problems. And to install it you can use the command line or any graphical tool.



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