Hello! Hiding the taskbar on your computer is nothing new. However, what has changed is the way to do it in Windows 11. We have already commented on the noticeable change of interface that has brought the new Microsoft system. One of the most striking aspects corresponds to the taskbar. Indeed, it is now located in the central part of the screen. Recall that it was previously in the lower-left corner of the screen. On the other hand, many users prefer not to have this bar enabled. Mostly those who use a smaller screen than normal. Consequently, today, we will learn how to hide the taskbar in Windows 11.
What is the Windows 11 taskbar
The taskbar are all those icons that we find at the bottom of our screen. These icons allow access to certain places on the computer. For example, search for files, different desktops, applications, calendar, local time, the Internet, volume, notifications, etc. Additionally we will be able to personalize this bar to our taste. For it, we will be able to add or to remove icons according to the use that we give to the system. This guarantees quick access to the applications that we use the most on a daily basis.

How to hide the taskbar through Windows settings
Let’s start with the process of hiding the taskbar. With this in mind, right-click on the taskbar. Next, you must click on Taskbar Settings.

After doing this, you will be redirected to the taskbar settings. It is actually a place to customize it. Indeed, you can see that we will be able to edit several variables such as its buttons and icons. However, the section that interests us is the one related to the taskbar behavior. With this in mind, scroll down to the bottom and click on the corresponding section.

Consequently, additional options will be displayed. Specifically, a new menu. Therefore, you have to check the box Automatically hide the taskbar.

Once you have activated the option, the taskbar will disappear. If you want it to reappear, just move the mouse pointer over the area where it used to be. When you move the pointer, the taskbar will disappear again. That’s how easy it is to hide the taskbar in Windows 11.
How to restore the taskbar to its original behavior in Windows 11.
Suppose you no longer want the taskbar to hide automatically. That is, you want it to behave by default and be permanently active. In such a case, you just have to repeat the same steps to go to the taskbar settings. Suppose you no longer want the taskbar to hide automatically. That is, you want it to behave by default and be permanently active. In such a case, you just have to repeat the same steps to go to the taskbar settings. After going to the taskbar behavior options, just uncheck the box to automatically hide the taskbar.
How to fix if the taskbar does not hide in Windows 11
There is a frequent error in Windows. This error causes the taskbar not to hide automatically. Let’s see how to fix it in a simple way.
Fixes the error of hiding the taskbar from the task manager
First, we will go to the Windows task manager. With this in mind, right-click on the Windows button. Additionally, you can also press the Win+X combination. Either way, just click on Task Manager.

Note: You can also access the task manager by pressing the combination Control+Shift+Esc. Well, once inside the Task Manager, you have to locate the Processes tab. Then, scroll down to the bottom and select the Windows Explorer process. Then, right-click on the mouse to display the menu. Please select the Restart option.

Once this is done, the explorer will be loaded, hiding the taskbar. It will only be shown when we move our mouse over it. Alternatively, we have another method in case this one does not work.
Fix bug of hiding taskbar from services
This time, we need to access the Windows start menu. With this intention, from the search menu, enter the term services. Once there, please click on the Services app.

Consequently, we will go on to manage Windows services. Obviously, we will see many options. However, the one we are interested in is:Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service. Once located, you have to double-click on it. As a result, a pop-up window will open. In this window, we will seek an option called Startup type. Right next to it, we will see a drop-down menu, look for the Automatic option. Once you have made these changes, we will only have to press the Apply button. Finally, press OK to close the window.

All right, lastly, we have seen how to hide the taskbar in Windows 11. This option allows you to free more space on the screen. So, it is a very attractive option, especially for those who have a small monitor. We also learned how to solve the possible problems that may appear with the application of this feature. It is certainly a great way to customize the look and feel of the operating system. Especially the desktop look and feel. All right, that’s all for now. Stay tuned for more news about Windows 11. See you soon!