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How to pin a website on the Windows taskbar

The taskbar is one of the favorite elements of Windows 10 users. Indeed, there it is possible to pin apps to have them at...

Slackware 15 Beta released!

Hello friends. The mythical Slackware distribution had been preparing something for us for a long time and a few hours ago it has been...

How to check WiFi signal strength in Windows 10

Hello! The quality of the internet connection depends on many factors. Therefore, we should be aware of all of them. In particular, the Wi-Fi...

qView: a simple image viewer for Linux

Hello, friends. We are always looking for new tools that add even more functionality to the already very stable and powerful Linux desktop. In...

How to install Erlang on Ubuntu 20.04?

Hello, friends. Erlang is still popular these days. Therefore, it’s a good idea to learn how to install it on Ubuntu 20.04 in case...

Install Strawberry on Linux – A Music player based on Clementine

Hello, friends. There are still many people who have music files on their hard disk. So it is necessary to have a music player...

install Jitsi Meet on Debian 10

Hello, friends. In this post, you will learn how to install Jitsi Meet on Debian 10. Jitsi Meet is a pretty valid alternative to Google...

How to take a screenshot in Windows 10

Hello! Surely more than once you have needed to take a screenshot. Either for leisure or for work needs. Therefore, you have probably resorted...

How to use the new Windows 10 folder icons

Hello! Little by little the renovations that Windows 10 Sun Valley will bring has been revealed. We are talking about the next major update...

Windows 10 will assign the taskbar its own DLL file.

Hello! Explorer.exe is the explorer process of Windows 10. It is also the process in charge of managing the explorer and desktop. Indeed, it...

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