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What is QoS and how to activate it in the router?

Hello, I have recently had problems with my internet provider. As a result, my connection has been experiencing a lot of problems. So I have been looking for ways to optimize the browsing experience. Beyond the quality of the service provided, we can take steps to increase the quality of the connection. So today we will talk about Quality of Service. Better known as QoS. Which is a mechanism that allows the router to manage bandwidth. We will show you what QoS is and how to activate it in the router in today’s post.

What is QoS?

It is a mechanism that allows the router to manage the bandwidth of the connection. To do so, it ensures traffic prioritization and guarantees a minimum bandwidth. It also measures bandwidth and prioritizes packets according to priority queues. It also analyzes the type of traffic generated. As a result, it gives higher priority to one type of traffic than to another. The first thing the router does is to determine the type of packet. Then, it puts it in a queue. Now, depending on the configuration of the router, one queue will move faster than another. But it will always guarantee a minimum bandwidth for each packet. This guarantees an equal distribution of bandwidth.

This tool has practical uses. For example, the requirement of a user watching videos on YouTube is different from that of a user playing video games. Therefore, QoS organizes and prioritizes bandwidth consumption.

How to activate the QoS mode in the router.

This technology has been with us for some time. Therefore, it is most likely that your router has this capability. So the first thing you have to do is to enter the IP address configuration. In my case, the address is Please note that the direction varies according to the model. Once the page opens, just enter your user credentials:

Entering the router configuration page.
Entering the router configuration page.
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Then, just go to the QoS section and finally activate it.

Enabling QoS mode on a Link-Net model router.
Enabling QoS mode on a Link-Net model router.

Creating QoS connection rules.

This tool not only optimizes network traffic. It also allows you to create custom connection rules. By means of these rules, it is possible to limit the bandwidth. Either for upload or download. Moreover, these rules are applied according to IP address or MAC address. In this case, I will limit the downstream bandwidth to a specific MAC address.

Creating a rule to limit downstream traffic.
Creating a QoS rule to limit downstream traffic.

You can add the necessary rules to control both downstream and upstream packets. You just need to know the local IP address or MAC address. Okay, so we have seen what QoS is and how to activate it on the router. See you soon!

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