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What is DNS and how to change it in Android

Hi! It’s nice to be with you to talk a little bit about Android. It is well known that it is a mobile operating system developed by Google, based on Linux Kernel and other open-source software. It is also the most popular mobile operating system in the world, far above IOS. On the other hand, the vast majority of its users use the device to surf the internet. It is very probable that less expert users are unaware of what DNS is and its relevant importance when using the network. For that reason, we’ll see what DNS servers are and how to change them in Android.

What is a DNS

Domain Name Servers are responsible for translating web addresses into IP addresses. That is to say, when you enter osradar.com, you enter that address, but the web browser needs another method to know which server to connect to. In other words, when you access osradar.com, the DNS servers translate that text to an IP address. If they don’t exist, then you would have to manually enter all the IP addresses of the websites. This process is done automatically. That is, the user does not intervene in the name resolution. However, the main reason for changing the DNS on your mobile device is privacy. In effect, when you connect through your router’s default DNS, then your identification and your IP is exposed. On the other hand, countries with authoritarian regimes like Venezuela, use DNS to block access to certain critical sites.

So, changing the DNS increases privacy, bypasses blocking and in some cases improves response time on the web.

Changing the DNS in Android.

Once we have seen the utility of modifying the DNS in Android, let’s see how to do it. This is a relatively simple procedure and no external programs are used. First of all, you have to choose a DNS to use. Check here Once we have seen the utility of modifying the DNS in Android, let’s see how to do it. This is a relatively simple procedure and no external programs are used. First of all, you have to choose a DNS to use. Check here a list of free DNS servers. In my case, I will be using Cloudfare’s DNS servers, but you can use anyone you’re comfortable with. Then, just enter the WiFi settings.

Enter the WiFi settings
Enter the WiFi settings
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Once there, enter the configuration of the network you are connected to, to be able to edit it.

Enter the WiFi network configuration.
Enter the WiFi network configuration.

Then enter the IP configuration.

Edit the IP configuration.
Edit the IP configuration.

Then change the DHCP setting to Static.

Within the IP configuration select Static.
Within the IP configuration select Static.

Finally, in DNS 1 and DNS fields, add the values and Then save the changes and wait a few moments while the system reconfigures the connection.

Add Cloudfare's DNS servers
Add Cloudfare’s DNS servers


Finally, we have seen how to change the DNS in Android. As mentioned, this action increases the user’s privacy. It is also a tool against government censorship. On the other hand, sometimes it improves the response time of the web pages. This is all for now. I invite you to see our post about Symfony on Windows 10. Goodbye!

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