Hello! Web browsers have certainly evolved. Today they are very powerful. Moreover, they are not limited only to offer web browsing. They now take advantage of a wide variety of web technologies. Consequently, they offer experiences that a few years ago seemed to be only possible with native apps. In fact, today, we can do almost anything from the browser. That is, not only consume text, images or video, but create them directly from it. Moreover, unlike the system itself, web applications have the enormous advantage that we can use them on any operating system. Read on to learn more about the best free web apps.
Boostnote is a free and open source notes app designed mainly for programmers. However, it can be useful to anyone. The app supports Markdown and has syntax highlighting in more than 100 programming languages. Additionally, it is customizable, supports math blocks, and is cross-platform.

Figma is a graphical interface design web application that offers real-time collaboration. Actually, a good alternative to paid tools without web version such as Adobe XD, or InVision. The free version allows collaboration on up to three projects with two editors.

Manifest is a small and simple web apps that you can use as a minimalistic note-taking board in the browser. It is also a progressive web application. Consequently, it will offer you the option to install it on your computer to use it in a single window.

Pixlr X
Pixlr is not exactly an unknown. Certainly, the online image editor is legendary among the most comprehensive free tools available for free on the Internet. However, it’s always worth mentioning, especially now that it has just been upgraded to a more advanced and powerful version called Pixlr X.

Remove.bg is an app with a single function: remove the background of any image automatically. It works excellent in most cases. It is also extremely fast. Especially if you compare it to doing a process like this manually. Particulate using tools like Photoshop if you are not a professional.

Resizing.app is another small application with few functions but quite useful. It serves to convert, optimize and resize images in just a couple of clicks and from the browser. It is perfect for optimizing content for the web without any apparent loss of quality.

Screen Recorder
Screen Recorder, as its name suggests, is a screen recorder. It is a progressive web apps that lets you record your computer screen without having to install anything. Also without any kind of advertising or registration.

SodaPDF is a very useful set of tools to manage all kinds of operations with PDF files. From the webapp you can convert files, merge them, sign them, or split them. You can also convert various image formats.

Spaces.fm is a simple productivity app that offers binaural sounds to help you focus. Basically, it is a player with a series of high quality three-dimensional ambient sounds. These sounds are quite relaxing to keep in the background while studying or working. They are also great for napping.

Sumo3D is a web application for 3D modeling and editing. You can use it to add models, images, sounds, music, and textures directly from a browser tab.

Sumotunes is a small online music studio. It is an easy to use webapp to create songs or play with virtual musical instruments. You can use it to remix other users’ songs. You can also export MP3 files.

Sumopaint is an online image editor from which you can combine images, add filters, add text or symbols. It also lets you draw with up to 300 different brushes. Like Sumo3D and Sumotunes, it is part of the Sumo Apps. Recall that, a suite of creative apps for the browser that are free.

Sumophoto unlike Sumopaint is intended for quick photo editing. That is, to do simple things like cropping, making adjustments, adding filters or effects and some elements. It lets you share directly to social networks or save to your computer.

Sumovideo is the video editor of the Sumo Apps. It allows you to combine videos, images, sounds, text, effects, and even record audio. You can export the result in MP4 format.

Uno Calculator
Uno Calculator is the result of Microsoft releasing the source code of the Windows calculator. Consequently, there is this web version that works from a tab in any browser.

Vector Creator
Vector Creator is a great design app for beginners. Through it, you can create your own custom illustrations from already available elements. It is a graphics editor. However, the graphics are already made. So you can combine thousands of them for free to create your own designs.

VEED Video Editor is a webapp to add effects to your videos in real time. It also allows you to upload your videos and modify them in a couple of clicks. We can also add different filters, stickers, or subtitles. It is also possible to change the playback speed, add music, or draw on top.

WebTorrent offers an extremely simple and efficient way to view and download torrents from the browser. In other words, it is a P2P client that you can use from a tab by simply accessing its instant version. Simply paste a magnet link or the hash. You can also drag a torrent file to the window and that’s it.

Zencaster is an excellent alternative for podcast creation. It certainly solves most of the steps in one place. Indeed, it allows editing, one-call and local audio recording and track separation. It is usually free for up to two guests. However, during the Covid-19 crisis, they offer both unlimited guests and unlimited recordings for all users.

Zenkit To Do
Zenkit To Do is Zenkit’s proposal for those who miss Wunderlist. It is perhaps one of the best alternatives to the notes app that Microsoft bought. The worst thing is that it will end up disappearing this year. It offers a simple way to take notes and manage tasks from the web or any other synchronized platform.

Very well, in this way we have seen the best free web apps. See you!