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Secure your bookmarks with a password on Chrome and Firefox

Passwords are used to prevent an intruder from entering an account or registry. We can put passwords on social networks like Facebook or Twitter. Also in the mail or to enter the computer. In this post, we will explain what you should do to set a password to the bookmarks in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. This way you can improve security and prevent them from accessing the pages you have stored.

Why encrypt browser bookmarks

Bookmarks or favorites are websites that we save in the browser to view later or that we frequent. Basically, it is a folder where these sites are stored. We click on the folder and the links appear to enter the corresponding web page. It is very useful when we usually enter many websites. We can use it in the main browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, or Edge.

Now, why put a password to the browser bookmarks? This is useful if you use a shared computer. For example, at a workplace, at home, etc. Maybe you save web pages that are important for your work, studies. Or you simply don’t want someone to be able to modify them or, by mistake, delete them.

By setting a password, another person who can get into that computer and open Chrome or Firefox would not be able to see the contents of the browser’s bookmarks. They would not be able to know what pages you have saved, nor would they be able to modify or delete them. One more guarantee to avoid problems.

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This is something that you will be able to do in both Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. However, the browser itself does not have a native option for this. You will have to use an extension, although the process is simple and fast. You can set up a password and avoid problems.

How to set a password for Chrome favorites

First, we are going to explain how to encrypt bookmarks with a password in the Google browser. The process is simple. However, you will need to install an add-on. We recommend downloading this type of extensions from official sources. The Chrome store is a good option to download this type of software without risk.

You can use the Secure Bookmarks extension. As its name suggests, the purpose of this add-on is to secure the bookmarks we have in the Google Chrome browser. It allows you to add any page to the list of bookmarks. In addition, all of them will be protected by a password of your choice.

The first thing you need to do is to add it to your browser. When you have done this, you will automatically see the Secure Bookmarks icon appear in the top bar of the browser. The first time you open it, a window will appear like the one you see in the image below, where you will have to enter a password.

From there, all you have to do is go to the extension icon and click on the New Bookmark button, and you will start saving pages there. You only have to do that when you are inside a website. When you enter the password, you will see that you are logged in. This way, you can access all the bookmarks you create and put in that protected folder.

How to use Secure Bookmark

If you log out, you will not be able to enter those bookmarks you have created. Therefore, if someone has physical access to your computer and enters the browser, they would not be able to see what pages you have bookmarked. You could click on the extension, but it would ask for a password to get in.

You will also see the New Folder button. In this case, what you do is create a new folder. You can create as many as you want. This way, you will be able to sort all the pages you are saving in favorites. You will be able to have more control and create lists according to your preferences. Also, all these folders will be protected thanks to Secure Bookmarks.

So, as you can see, it is a simple way to encrypt with passwords the web pages that you save in favorites in Google Chrome. All you have to do is install it, set a master password and start saving websites.

Steps to set a password for Firefox bookmarks

You can do something similar also in Mozilla Firefox. In this case we have tested the Private Bookmarks extension. It works very well on both Windows 10 and Windows 11. This way, you will prevent them from being available to anyone who has access to your computer.

This time, you have to go to the official Mozilla Firefox store and download the extension there. Once you install it, you will see the icon appear in the top bar. At first, you will only be able to use it in a private Firefox window. However, you will be able to modify it. Open the application, and you will see a button to choose the password.

From there, you can start saving web pages in Firefox bookmarks and encrypt them with a password thanks to Private Bookmarks. It is an interesting add-on for the Mozilla browser with which you can increase your security and privacy.


In short, as you have seen, it is simple and quick to encrypt bookmarks with a password in both Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. In both cases, you will have to install extensions. We know that they do not have native functions. They are free, secure and work well on both Windows 10 and Windows 11. However, our advice is to always download these add-ons from the official browser store.

Should I password-protect my browser’s bookmarks? This will depend on what kind of user you are. That is, if you share the computer with other people or if it is yours own. If you want to prevent third parties who have access to view the pages you save, modify them or even delete them. Then it is a good option to use this type of extensions that you will find on the Internet.

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