18.9 C


3 Applications to download torrents in Linux

Downloads by torrent help not to collapse servers, especially when the files to download are too large. On the other hand, many people who...

How to install the latest PhpMyAdmin on CentOS 7?

In terms of practicality, managing MySQL data on a console is not recommended. Overotodo if you handle a lot of records and tables. For...

Install ArangoDB on CentOS 7

The world spins and spins, that is to say, every time technologies and alternatives to the already existing ones arise. We live in the...

Install latest wordpress in Docker

Docker is the future, its  introduced everywhere and you are able to deploy quickly  many containers applications in few minutes. i will show in...

Install Ajenti Control Panel on Ubuntu 18.04 and Linux Mint 19

Many systems need a unique interface to be able to manage them. However, when we talk about servers, we find that they do not...

Install MyWebSQL on Ubuntu 18.04?

Setting up a data server with MySQL or MariaDB is quite a simple task and we have done it many times in this blog....

Install inoERP on Ubuntu 18.04

In this modern world, it is unthinkable that an organization does not have a system to manage its processes. Fortunately, in Linux, we have...

Protect your files from accidental deletion

It seems like a lie but if you work a long time with the Linux terminal, it is very likely that at some point...

Install Mantis Bug Tracker on Ubuntu 18.04?

f you are a developer you know that bugs are always present in the process of building a program. Especially if we work as...

Using Gotop a graphical system monitor

It is always a good idea to know various tools for monitoring systems from the terminal. Of course, they can not be compared to...

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