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How to change the default system font on Windows 10

Hello, I hope you are fine. It is a real pleasure to be with you again! The variety of Windows 10`s users is unlimited,...

How to configure a FTP server on OpenSUSE 15.1?

An FTP server is something basic when you set up a server. It is necessary because it allows us to transfer files to our...

How to install LEMP on OpenSUSE 15 / 15.1 / SUSE?

OpenSUSE is a fairly reliable and robust distribution. So it makes it ideal for installing and running on it many web-oriented services. That's why...

Install PXE Boot server for automated install RHEL 8 and CentOS 8

In computing, the Preboot eXecution Environment (PXE, sometimes pronounced as pixie) specification describes a standardized client-server environment that boots a software assembly, retrieved from...

Install and Configure Samba on RHEL and Centos 8

Samba is a file sharing software which is sued to shared files between same and different operating systems. Today, You will learn that how...

Sync MicroSoft OneDrive with Linux

OneDrive is a file hosting service and synchronization service operated by Microsoft. OneDrive allow users to store files and personal data in the cloud,...

MariaDB Enterprise: a new professional solution for companies

It is a fact that companies have different needs than small projects. So in many cases, they need more support and quality in sensitive...

Multiple Ghost Instances on a Single Server

Hosting different domains on different nodes cost you more and that's what Virtual Hosting add more benefit by allowing multiple domains to co-exists within...

Install Bareos on CentOS 7

Data backup is essential for a sysadmin and any real user of a system. Doing so will bring many advantages to our company because,...

Install MyWebSQL on Ubuntu 18.04?

Setting up a data server with MySQL or MariaDB is quite a simple task and we have done it many times in this blog....

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