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Install Wine 6 on Fedora 34 / 33?

Hi, folks. In this post, I will help you install Wine 6 on Fedora 34 /33.

Wine is one of those applications that practically any Linux user knows. Thanks to Wine we can run several Windows applications on Linux. It works as an interpreter that creates an execution layer for programs that can be run in Linux.

Wine is included in the official repositories of almost any distribution. The problem is that Wine’s development is too active (which is very welcome) and they constantly add features and improve the support of the applications.

Therefore, if you notice when using Wine that certain programs do not run correctly, then updating Wine may be a solution.

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So let’s go for it.

Install Wine 6 on Fedora 34 / 33

Although Fedora is a distribution that is updated quite a lot, it is also true that it does not always provide us with the latest version of some programs. This is the case of Wine which, although it is true, gives us an updated version, it is not the latest one.

So for this, it is necessary to add a new repository that contains both the latest stable version of Wine and the development version.

So, open a terminal and run the following command for Fedora 34

sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/fedora/34/winehq.repo

And this for Fedora 33:

sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/fedora/33/winehq.repo

This command will add the Wine repository to the system.

After that, install Wine 6 on Fedora 34 / 33 by running the following command:

sudo dnf install winehq-stable

During the process, you will have to confirm the installation because a new repository is being added along with its GPG key.

After the installation is complete, you can check the version by running

wine --version
Wine 6 on Fedora 34 / 33
Wine 6 on Fedora 34 / 33

so, enjoy it.


Wine is an application that is a veteran within Linux. However, it is quite popular especially with users coming from Windows. It does not always give the expected results but it can work and solve several problems.

Now you know how to install version 6 of this program on Fedora 34 / 33.

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