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Install Ox on Ubuntu / Debian – A code editor on the terminal

Hello, friends. A text editor in the terminal? Yes. So, you will learn how to install Ox on Ubuntu / Debian

We already know that in Linux we have many different tools. One of them is the term that has proven to be a great help in many tasks such as downloading files and editing text.

This time we have a terminal tool created with Rust called Ox. Ox is a code editor with a terminal interface that consumes few resources and can help a lot with programming.

Says the program’s developer:

Ox is a code editor. It was written in Rust using ANSI escape sequences. It assists developers with programming by providing several tools to speed up and make programming easier and a refreshing alternative to heavily bloated and resource hungry editors

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Therefore, we can install it on any computer, including the oldest ones.

On the other hand, Ox takes many advantages from applications like Vi, Nano, Emacs, and other veteran programs. All this without dependencies and making it quite light and easy to compile. So few that this is the entire list:

  • Rust language
  • Termion
  • Unicode-rs
  • Clap
  • Regex
  • Rum
  • Serde
  • Shellexpand

So, let us install it.

Install Ox on Ubuntu / Debian

Ox is an application created with Rust and many of its utilities, so the first requirement is to install Rust.

How to install Rust programming language on Ubuntu / Debian?

And once you have completed the installation, you can then run this command to install Ox.

cargo install --git https://github.com/curlpipe/ox

An alternative installation method is to use Homebrew:

How to install Homebrew?

And then, proceed to install it:

brew install ox

In any case, the installation is easily done.

Basic use of Ox

Once Ox is installed on your system, to run it you only have to type in a terminal the command


You can also open a file by specifying the absolute path of the file as a parameter.

ox /path/file
1.- Ox on Ubuntu / Debian
1.- Ox on Ubuntu / Debian

There you can start editing code. If you want to save changes, you can do it with the key combination CTRL + S but if it’s the first time you modify the file, you have to choose a name with CTRL + w

Also, you can open a new tab by pressing the CTRL + N

2.- Using Ox
2.- Using Ox

Also, you can navigate between tabs with the CTRL + H and CTRL + D keys, and as you can see it’s quite easy to use.


Ox has a long way to go, that’s true, but it’s also an interesting project that adds more functionalities every day and allows us to edit code from the terminal, being easy to use. This gives even more power to the terminal and gives us solutions in multiple environments

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