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How to install Odoo 12 on Debian 9?

Organizations use special applications for business management. Today, in this tutorial I will show you how to install Odoo 12 on Debian 9.

Odoo is an open source integrated ERP system currently produced by the Belgian company Odoo S.A.

In the first place, what is a ERP? The ERP (Enterprise resource planning) systems are management information systems that integrate and manage many of the businesses associated with production operations and distribution aspects of a company engaged in the production of goods or services. In short, it is a administration system.

Some Odoo modules include inventory management, finance, administration, sales and more. In addition, you can activate the modules developed by community only necessaries for your organization ensuring the proper and efficient functioning of it.

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Odoo is compatible with Linux and today i will install it on Debian. It’s easy.

0. Prerequisites

To install Odoo 12 on Debian 9 does not require high knowledge of Linux but a basic knowledge of terminal use. In addition to a user who can run commands as root user.

Under those circumstances, it is convenient to add that, Odoo requires PostgreSQL and Python 3.5.

Let’s start.

1. Upgrade the system

Before starting the installation of applications on our server, it is convenient to update all packages. This in order to have all the security patches and with them make the system more secure and stable. Run:

:~$ su
:~# apt update && apt upgrade

1.- Upgrade Debian
1.- Upgrade Debian

With this you will have Debian updated.

2. Install PostgreSQL

Odoo uses PostgreSQL as a database handler. Fortunately it is found in the official Debian repositories so its installation is easy.

:~# apt install postgresql

2.- Installing postgreSQL
2.- Installing postgreSQL

Once the installation is finished you have to enable the service so that it starts as soon as the system boots.

:~# systemctl enable postgresql

3.- Enabling the PostgreSQL service
3.- Enabling the PostgreSQL service

Then, you can check the status of the service.

:~# systemctl status postgresql

4.- Checking the PostgreSQL service
4.- Checking the PostgreSQL service

As you can see, PostgreSQL has been installed.

3. Install Odoo

By default, Odoo is not in the official Debain 9 repositories, so add its external repository to install it via APT. It is the fastest, easiest and most efficient way to install Odoo. First, run:

:~# wget -O - https://nightly.odoo.com/odoo.key | apt-key add -

5.- Adding the Oddo repository
5.- Adding the Oddo repository


:~# echo "deb http://nightly.odoo.com/12.0/nightly/deb/ ./" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/odoo.list

Now, refresh the APT package list:

:~# apt update

6.- Refresh the repository cache
6.- Refresh the repository cache

Finally install Odoo:

:~# apt install odoo

7.- Install Odoo
7.- Install Odoo

At the end of the installation it is convenient to check the status of the service, to check that it is running.

:~# sytemctl status odoo

8.- Checking Oddo service
8.- Checking Oddo service

As can been noted, everything is OK.

4.- Access from the web browser

At this point, you can access the web interface, however, you need to configure a last point. The password of the user. Open /etc/odoo/odoo.conf file.

:~# nano /etc/odoo/odoo.conf

And set your admin password.

9.- Setting the admin password for Odoo
9.- Setting the admin password for Odoo

Now, restart the odoo service.

:~# systemctl restart odoo

Finally, you can access from the web browser. Go to http://IP_SERVER:8069. And you will see this.

10.- Odoo default page
10.- Odoo default page

Enter all the requirements they ask you and click on Create Database Button.

Remeber the password is the same that you defined on odoo.conf file.

11.- Accessing to Odoo
11.- Accessing to Odoo

After that, you will see the screen where you can install the modules that make up the system.

12.- Modules available to add to Odoo
12.- Modules available to add to Odoo

All that’s left is for you to install the modules you need and enjoy it.


Odoo is a great flexible system that allows you to install modules that work independently but together form a powerful tool for your company.

We want to hear from you, have you used Odoo? Do you like Odoo? Do you know another ERP? Did this tutorial help you?

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  1. Hi , step 3 is not working , can’t install odoo , ERROR :”the certificate of nightly.odoo .. is not trusted””the certificate hasn’t got a know issuer ” “gpg: no valid Open PGP data found”


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