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Install Atom on Fedora 30

Fedora is a great Linux distribution. So much so that it is very versatile and allows you to install many applications for everyday work. As well as for leisure and entertainment. However, Fedora is so robust that it is used by many people to create and develop their work with great comfort. Among them, the developers who have at their disposal Atom. So in this post, we’ll show you how to install Atom on Fedora 30.

Atom is a powerful text editor that is used to write codes in many programming languages. It has the advantage of being hackable, that is, we can modify with total freedom the program making it work and behave as we want. It is open source and has many features that make it a strong competitor of Visual Studio and Sublime Text.

So, let’s install Atom in Fedora 30.

Install Atom in Fedora 30

Atom has a nice website where we can find much more information about the program.

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1.- Atom website
1.- Atom website

There immediately, we can find two buttons where they meet, two options to download Atom. In the first place, we have the .DEB package that is for distributions like Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint or ElementaryOS. However, below we will have the option to download the .RPM package that is suitable for CentOS, OpenSuse, RHEL, and Fedora that is our case.

2.- Download Atom
2.- Download Atom

Once we have downloaded the corresponding RPM package, we will be able to start the installation. If we use the rpm command, we will have to deal with the dependencies and it is not advisable. So we will use dnf that does manage them.

:~$ sudo dnf install [Path_of_the_file]

3.- Install Atom on Fedora 30
3.- Install Atom on Fedora 30

Now, we can run it from the main menu.

4.- Atom
4.- Atom

So, enjoy it.


Atom is a great text editor that is used by many web developers to create their projects. As you can see its installation in Fedora 30 is quite simple but to novices can be very interesting.

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