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How to install aaPanel on Ubuntu 20.04?

Hello, friends. In this post, you will learn how to install aaPanel on Ubuntu 20.04

According to the project website, aaPanel is a Free and Open source Hosting Control Panel

In other words:

aaPanel, a simple but powerful control panel, can manage the web server through web-based GUI(Graphical User Interface).

Also, the app provides the one-click function such as one-click install LNMP/LAMP developing environment and software. So this application makes everything easy for the administration of a hosting.

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With aaPanel you can Monitor your server resource occupancy in real-time, allowing you to better understand its load capacity. And many more things.

Install aaPanel on Ubuntu 20.04

aaPanel is not available from the official repositories of the distribution, but this does not mean that it can not be installed without problems.

So, the process is very simple thanks to an installation script provided by the developers. So, open a terminal or connect via SSH to your server and try to update them.

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Before downloading the script I have to tell you that for this to work you need to have a fresh installation of the system. You do not have to have nginx or httpd installed.

Now, with the help of the wget command download the installation script:

wget -O install.sh http://www.aapanel.com/script/install-ubuntu_6.0_en.sh
--2021-05-10 20:57:05--  http://www.aapanel.com/script/install-ubuntu_6.0_en.sh
Resolving www.aapanel.com (www.aapanel.com)... 2606:4700:3034::ac43:ab07, 2606:4700:3031::6815:4fc4,, ...
Connecting to www.aapanel.com (www.aapanel.com)|2606:4700:3034::ac43:ab07|:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 26868 (26K) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘install.sh’

install.sh                                 100%[=====================================================================================>]  26.24K  --.-KB/s    in 0.1s    

2021-05-10 20:57:05 (178 KB/s) - ‘install.sh’ saved [26868/26868]

Afterward, you have to run this script to start the installation.

sudo bash install.sh

As soon as you start running the script, you will be asked where to install aapanel. I have left the default location.

Do you want to install aaPanel to the /www directory now?(y/n):

Then, the whole installation and configuration process will continue.

In the end, you will get an output screen similar to this one:

Congratulations! Installed successfully!
aaPanel Internet Address: http://[2a01:4f8:c2c:6f5e::1]:8888/96e034b7
aaPanel Internal Address:
username: o8wqyj61
password: d94132db
If you cannot access the panel, 
release the following port (8888|888|80|443|20|21) in the security group
Time consumed: 1 Minute!
1.- aaPanel installed
1.- aaPanel installed

With this, it verifies that aaPanel is correctly installed and gives you the credentials to access that you can change later.

Remember to open the ports indicated in the firewall.

Access to aaPanel

Then, open a web browser and go to any of the addresses provided to access aapanel.

You will then see the login screen.

2.- aaPanel login screen
2.- aaPanel login screen

Once you have entered the default credentials, you will see the aaPanel main screen.

You can choose to install either LAMP or LEMP with a single click.

3.- Installing LEMP o LAMP with aaPanel
3.- Installing LEMP o LAMP with aaPanel

Also, you can check the installation process.

4.- Checking the installation process
4.- Checking the installation process

This will show you the main screen.

5.- aaPanel running on Ubuntu 20.04
5.- aaPanel running on Ubuntu 20.04


Applications like aaPanel make a sysadmin’s job easier. With it is possible to manage hosting easily and quickly without sacrificing useful options. As we have been able to demonstrate the installation process is quite simple and within everyone’s reach.

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