Sometimes it’s good to get the most out of your computer. Especially when considering whether it’s really worth upgrading or throwing it away. And of course, buying a new one. Windows does not include any application that allows us to analyze and measure the performance of our computer. Therefore, we are forced to resort to third-party applications. One of these applications is InfinityBench.
If we are looking for applications to measure the performance of our PC, we can find a very wide and varied number of applications. Some of them are paid and others are free. Most of them offer information that many users do not understand. Consequently, there is no point in using them. To measure the performance of a PC, a test called benchmark is performed. It is a test that puts both the processor and the graphics card to the maximum. In addition, it shows us a number. This value allows us to get an idea of the power of our equipment and how we can improve it.
InfinityBench: A very useful tool
One of the easiest applications to know this information is InfinityBench. It also has a free version that is more than enough. Actually, the Pro version is focused on professionals. Infinity Bench has a very simple user interface. Once we have run it, the first thing it does is to display the specifications of our PC:
- Processor model
- Manufacturer and model of our motherboard
- Amount of RAM memory that we have installed and available in the computer.
- Graphics of the computer. If, in addition to an integrated graphics, we also have a dedicated one, this information will also be displayed.
How it works
Just as the interface is very simple and intuitive, the operation is no less. The only option that allows us to select the application is related to the information we want to display. In effect, we can benchmark our computer using all the available cores. In the same way, only one core, the main one of the computer.

Once the test has been performed, it gives us a CPU and graphics performance score. In addition to the number of FPS that it is able to show us with the current configuration. It also gives us an overall PC score and a rating. If we want to compare the performance of our PC with others that have different configurations, we just have to do a simple search on the Internet.
These values are displayed according to all the components of our PC. Therefore, if we increase or decrease the RAM or replace the graphics card with a higher one, we will obtain a different score. The same happens if we change the processor or the motherboard. However, these are items that involve a greater financial outlay. In addition to the fact that they take many more hours of work as we have to reassemble the PC with the components that we want to take advantage of.
The free version of Infinity Bench is available for download from the Microsoft Store through the following link. If we want to unlock all the features that this application offers us through the Pro version, we will have to check out and pay the 1.99 dollars it costs. If all we want is to get an overall score of the team, with the free version.