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How to Install Google Chrome on Linux

Google Chrome is one of the most popular web browsers for all platforms. It offers faster performance and very stable with lots of advanced functions to work with. For everyday users, Chrome is really suitable for having the title of the prime web browser of the internet. Thankfully, it’s available on all the major platforms.

Downloading the Chrome installer

At first, let’s enjoy this awesome browser in our favorite Linux distro. For installing Chrome on your system, you have to download the appropriate installer for your system.

Head to the Chrome official page. There, you can choose the proper package for your Linux system. Note that Chrome officially doesn’t support 32-bit binary anymore. If your system wasn’t included in the page, you should take a look at the community-managed packages for finding out Chrome for your distro.

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In this case, we’ll be showcasing the installation for the both official packages.

Installing Chrome

After downloading the installation package, run the following command(s) for completing Chrome installation process.

  • Debian/Ubuntu
cd ~/Downloads
sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -f
  • Fedora/OpenSUSE
# For Fedora
sudo rpm -i google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm

# For openSUSE
sudo zypper install google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm

Voila! Enjoy this awesome browser on your favorite Linux distro.

Chrome vs Chromium

Note that there’s another community-managed version of Chrome – the Chromium browser. There are lots of differences between these 2 versions. You shouldn’t confuse them. In fact, the logo of both are different.

  • Chromium is community-based where Chrome is Google-based.
  • Chromium has no direct bug reporting system like Chrome.
  • The code of Chromium can vary from one distro to another, but Chrome is officially verified by Google devs.
  • Both have different video and audio codecs and depends on the distro.
  • Chrome always turns on sandbox mode, but the option depends on distros in case of Chromium.

However, in terms of user experience, there’s not much of a difference. I strongly recommend using Chrome over Chromium if you have the option.

There are also other browsers that you should try to test them out. Check out the best web browsers of 2018.

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