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How to Install elementary OS 5.0 Juno

In the list of user-friendly Linux distros, elementary OS will always be one of the top ones. It’s because how smooth and easy-to-use the system is! It truly reflects its name – elementary. It’s based on the well-known Ubuntu Linux, so you don’t have to worry about the software availability for the platform.

The latest update of elementary OS is out – elementary OS 5 Juno! THere are several things polished in the latest update along with some life-improving tweaks. Today, let’s check out the installation process of elementary OS 5 Juno.

Grabbing the installation media

Download the latest ISO of elementary OS 5 Juno.

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After the download is complete, it’s time to create a bootable media, USB flash drive is strongly recommended for faster performance and ease of usage. Learn how to make a bootable USB flash drive.

Installation of elementary OS

It’s time to start the installation process! Boot up the installation media –

You can try out elementary OS before installing it finally. I’ll be going ahead with the installation process. Press “Install elementary”.

At first, time to select the keyboard layout.

Now, choose whether you’d like to install updates and other additional software during installation. It will save a lot of time afterward. However, depending on your internet bandwidth and other factors, you may want to untick them for now.

Time to choose the partitioning! Make sure that the partition you’re going to select the proper partitioning with, at least, 16GB of available disk space for the installation.

Next up, the region selection.

Now, you have to create a user account that you’re going to use. Enter all the credentials.

Wait for the installation process to finish. It can take some time depending on your installation disk, installation media, and internet connection speed.

Once the installation is complete, restart your system.

Voila! Your system is ready!

Enjoy the new year with the most beautiful Linux distros!

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