Hi! Today we will talk a little bit about Drupal. This is a content management system based on PHP and MySQL or PostgreSQL. In addition, it allows the administration of users, documents, discussions or news. This framework is free, multipurpose and modular. Additionally, Drupal stands out for being highly configurable and easy to use by users. Even without much computer knowledge. Well, today we will see how to install Drupal in Windows 10.
- A web server such as Apache, Nginx or Microsoft IIS
- Any of the following databases: MySQL – 5.5.3 (MariaDB 5.5.20, Percona 5.5.8) or higher with an InnoDB-compatible primary storage engine. PostgreSQL – 9.1.2 or higher. SQLite – 3.4.2 or higher
However, all these requirements can be met by using a program like XAMPP. See here how to use and configure it.
Downloading Drupal for Windows 10
This software can be downloaded for free from here. Please download the compressed file in .zip format.

Creating the new database.
Now it is necessary to create the new database. Indeed, this is essential to be able to use Drupal. Consequently, it opens the XAMMP control center. Once there, please click on the MySQL Configure button.

Immediately the database manager will be deployed. Please click on New. Then assign the name you want and finally click on Create.

Decompressing the downloaded file.
Back to the previously downloaded file, it’s time to do two steps. First decompress it and assign a simpler name to the folder. In my case Drupal. Then move it to the next location:

Starting the Drupal installation in Windows 10
Once these previous steps are done, it is time to start the installation of Drupal. With this in mind, open the following address in your web browser.
Please note that this address may vary depending on the name of the assigned folder. The installer will be immediately deployed. First set the preferred language.

Then, the wizard offers the installation mode. Standard, minimum or a sample Demo. For the purposes of this tutorial, I selected the Standard installation

The assistant will then verify the requirements for running Drupal. In this case, my server needs opcache. However, this component is not essential to run the installation. Therefore, we can skip it

In the next screen, please enter the parameters of the database. Please remember to enter the name of the database you just created.

Now wait a few moments while the installation of Drupal

Once the installation is complete, it is time to set up the website. Please set the name and email address of the website. It is also necessary to assign a username and password. This user must also be provided with an email address. In addition to the region parameters.

Finally the installation will be finished!

From now on, you just have to start the server and paste the following web address:
This way we have seen how to install Drupal in Windows 10. So you can enjoy this powerful and friendly framework. See you soon!