22 C
Senior Writer and partner

How to install Caddy on CentOS 7?

The Internet is an essential part of our lives. There are many websites for anything from working to wasting our time; however, there is a fundamental component of websites and they are the HTTP web servers, such Caddy.

A web server is in charge of managing web pages and sending them through the network to those who require it and have the permissions for those pages. In other words, it is nothing more than a software with processes waiting for a user connected to it to request the content to store, when a request arrives, the web server, generates its own processes to deliver the content through HTTP protocol. We also have even spoken on this site of them on other occasions.

Here is Caddy

Caddy is the HTTP/2 web server with automatic HTTPS. That’s the description they give us on their website. It is a lightweight, commercially supported web server that can acquire and renew SSL/TLS certificates automatically using Let’s Encrypt.

Among its most outstanding features are:

  • Easy configuration with the Caddyfile.
  • Automatic HTTPS on by default (via Let’s Encrypt)
  • HTTP/2 by default. In other words, this is important to maintain the security of our websites.
  • Virtual hosting so multiple sites just work.
  • Experimental QUIC support for cutting-edge transmissions.
  • TLS session ticket key rotation for more secure connections.
  • Extensible with plugins because a convenient web server is a helpful one.
  • Runs anywhere with no external dependencies.
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As can be seen, it is an interesting and practical web server. It comes to add to the list that already conform the veterans apache and nginx.

Install Caddy on CentOS 7

Installing Caddy on Linux is simple and we can “build” our program through its download section.

1.- Caddy download section
1.- Caddy download section

Another alternative is to use curl to download it to further simplify the process. In this article I will do it this way.

First, create the a folder called “caddy”.

:~# mkadi -p caddy

2.- Creating the folder
2.- Creating the folder

Then, change the current working directory and finally run curl to download it.

:~# cd caddy
:~# curl https://getcaddy.com | bash -s personal

3.- Downloading Caddy using Curl
3.- Downloading Caddy using Curl

Note: If you don’t have curl installed, you can do it by running on a terminal yum install curl as root user.

Next you have to create an html file in the caddy directory.

:~# nano index.html

For example, something like this.

4.- Making a sample .html file
4.- Making a sample .html file

Save and close the file.

5.- Showing index file
5.- Showing index file

By default Caddy uses port 2015. If you want to kill the process to stop its execution, type the following.

:~# pkill caddy


Caddy is emerging as a great option to keep in mind, however, it seems that he still has some way to go in the business field.

And what do you think? did you like the program? do you use it? we want to know what you think

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