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web server

How to enable the Brotli compression on Apache and Debian 10

Hello, friends. On a website, the speed and size of the files are vital to avoid possible crashes on the server. So today in...

Install Nginx on Fedora 34

Nginx is one of the most popular web servers in the world. Even on a par with Apache. We already know that it stands...

How to install Laragon on Windows 10.

Hi! We have previously discussed options for setting up a web server on Windows 10. Indeed, we discussed alternatives such as XAMP, WampServer and...

How to install Nginx on OpenSUSE 15. 2 / 15.1?

OpenSUSE is one of the most outstanding operating systems in the world of Linux for being very stable. Its stability and popularity come from...

How to install and configure MAMP in Windows 10

Hi! Today we're going to talk a little about MAMP. This is an application pack that allows you to set up a web server....

How to install LAMP on OpenSUSE 15.2 / 15.1?

It is increasingly common to find small companies that decide to use the SUSE ecosystem for their servers. It's an unsurprising decision because OpenSUSE...

How to install Webmin on Ubuntu 20.04 / Debian 10?

Monitoring a computer is always necessary to verify its operation. Especially if we are talking about a computer connected to an internal network. So,...

How to enable Internet Information Services in Windows 10

Hi, how are you? Today we will talk a little bit about Internet Information Services (IIS). This is Microsoft's web server that allows you...

How to install lighttpd on FreeBSD 12?

Hi, folks. Thanks for staying another day. In this post, you will learn how to install Lighttpd on FreeBSD 12. Of course, we will...

How to configure virtual hosts on Lighttpd?

Recently I have taught you how to install Lighttpd on Debian 10. Well, we will take advantage of that installation to also teach you...

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