Hello, how are you? Windows 10 has improved its stability and performance with each update. However, there are many users who complain that suddenly the system crashes and stops responding. Neverthless, not all the time these problems are caused by system malfunction. Occasionally, third party applications are responsible for this freeze. However, whatever the cause today we are going to see how to fix the crash in Windows 10.
Using key combination
If freezing of the system only happens when an application is used. This is what causes the system to hang. In this case the solution is to press the following key combination.
- On desktops and laptops: Win+Control+Shift+B
- Tablets and computers with touch screen: Vol Up+Vol Down, three times.
The second way to enter the Task Manager is to press the Win+X combination, and in the displayed menu select Task Manager.

This combination of keys will close the problem program. But keep in mind that all unsaved content will be lost. It is also possible to close several programs simultaneously. To do this, you need to log in to the Task Manager. With this intention I give you two methods to open it. First press the combination Ctrl+Alt+Del. The security options window will appear immediately. Once there select Task Manager. Within the processes tab, please select the open programs and right click on it and click on Finish task. This will force the closing of any application.
Updates the driver of the graphics card
In many cases the freezing of the system is caused by problems in the graphics card. One way to fix this is to update the driver of the graphics card. Or install it if they are not present in the system. The first thing we need to do is identify which hardware runs the GPU. With that intention we will open the Device Manager by pressing the Win+X Combination.

Once there, scroll down to the Display adapters section. There you can see the hardware of the graphics card. In this case the model is ATI. another popular model of graphic card model is Nvidia. If we have an integrated Intel graphics card, we can go to the manufacturer’s page to download drivers directly via this link

Now, from this window you can update the GPU driver, regardless of model or manufacturer. With that intention, please follow the above path and right click on the card model. Next, select the Update Driver option.

Using the Command Prompt
Next we will use the CMD to scan the integrity of the system, check for errors and if possible, repair them. With this in mind, please type CMD in the search bar and select run as administrator.

It then executes the following commands one by one:
- DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth - DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth - sfc /scannow
Please let each command do its job, once you run the last one, please restart the system.
Uninstall the latest Windows update.
Windows 10 crash problems are likely caused by a recent Windows update. Although it is possible to uninstall them graphically through the control panel, it is more effective to resort to the command prompt. Please note that you have to login as administrator. Follow the above route and please enter the following command:
wmic qfe list brief /format:table
Next, the program will show a list of installed updates. The columns that interest us are those related to the HotFixID and the date of installation.

Once located the update to uninstall, please write the following message in the Command Prompt:
wusa /uninstall /kb:hotfixid
Please remember to replace hotfixid with the identification of the update you want to uninstall.

Use a good third-party antivirus
Windows 10 has its integrated antivirus. It is undeniable that Windows Defender is the best option to protect Windows 10. However, sometimes it is necessary to complement the protection of the system with some external antivirus. Here are some interesting options. Once the antivirus is downloaded, it is advisable to perform a deep analysis of the system. This may prevent the Windows 10 crash.
Check the health of the processor and hard drive.
Other common reasons for system crashes are problems with the hard drive or processor. These two components are fundamental in the structure of the computer. In the case of the processor, it is recommended to go inside the PC and check the thermal paste of the processor. If it fails, it is recommended to replace it. Additionally, the health of the hard disk can be verified using the CHKDSK command.
Well, finally we have seen several methods to fix the Windows 10 crash In the same fashion, the cause of this problem can come from malfunctioning of the system itself, or by some problematic program. Similarly, the origin may be in some hardware failure. But with the solutions we have proposed to you, it is possible to repair this issue. That’s all for now, please keep visiting our Windows section at OSRadar.com