Hello! Operating systems released by Microsoft include secrets and tricks that improve their performance. Additionally, access to mode types allows you to enhance the usability of the system. Some of these modes are very useful. For example, today we will talk about God mode, which allows you to access more functions. Well, in this post we’ll see how to activate God mode in Windows 10.
How to enable God mode in Windows 10
To put it in simple terms, God Mode is like a repowered Control Panel. In addition, It comes with a lot of options and tools that are not activated by default. Logically, these options are hidden. Now, this option has been around since the days of Windows Vista and still exists in Windows 10. Once activated, it opens a series of configuration possibilities normally not available. For example, manage all users and even modify the taskbar. Consequently, the possibilities of configuration and customization of Windows are greatly increased. So below, we will detail the steps to activate this functionality.

First, you must log in with an account with administrator privileges. Otherwise, you cannot enable God mode. Next, please right-click on an empty space on the desktop. The context menu will be displayed immediately. Now please click on New and then on Folder. This will create a new folder.

By default, the folder is created with the name New Folder. Well, please right-click on it to Rename.

We will then assign a new name to the folder. Please note that we will first give it an indicator. With this in mind, add any value before the dot. From then on you must enter the value we will indicate:
God Mode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

Using God Mode in Windows 10
After pressing Enter, the folder will be replaced by an icon identical to the one in the Control Panel.

By double-clicking on it, a new window will be displayed full of the new configuration and customization options.

From now on, it is possible to modify almost any aspect of the system. But be careful in modifying something you don’t know since you could notably alter the operation of the computer. Consequently, it only remains to review the many options for configuring Windows. Well, this way we have seen how to activate the God mode in Windows. Before I go, I invite you to check our post about resetting the WordPress password on Localhost. Bye!