Whether we are using the Internet for work, leisure or shopping, we must be cautious. Cybercriminals are always on the lookout for new victims from whom they can profit. Most users want to use the Internet for shopping, social networking, banking and online gaming. For that reason, to feel safe, Internet users need tools to check dubious files. It is also important to verify that account credentials have not been leaked. Therefore, today we will get to know some free tools that increase Internet security.
Free tools to improve your internet security
Nowadays, there are several completely free tools that are responsible for performing different actions related to security. Through them, we increase security. In addition to protecting us when we surf the Internet. Furthermore, when logging in to a particular service with our user credentials or if we want to send an encrypted message. Next, you will see some main free tools that we can use.

One of the most popular online tools that can help improve your security is VirusTotal. You can access it here. One of the most popular online tools that can help improve your security is VirusTotal. You can access it here. Occasionally, we have to download a file or software from unofficial or little-known web pages. In that aspect, any cybercriminal can infect with any type of malware. That is to say, a software that can damage the internet security.

VirusTotal offers an online tool through our browser that scans web links or files. It then provides a complete diagnosis. By simply selecting Choose file it will scan that file through consultation with numerous security and antivirus companies. This is an example of the analysis of a file that has no suspicious activity.

Have I been pwned?
Another tool to improve your security is Have I been pwned? You can access it here. At some point, you may have wondered if your account has been hacked or is currently compromised. This page scans all major websites, online services and databases. It will then show you if your account has been breached. You have to be alert because large breaches sometimes occur in which the login credentials of thousands or millions of personal accounts are stolen.

A simple way to find out is through have I been pwned? Which works by adding the account you want to check and clicking the pwned? Button. After the check, you will be able to see if your account is at risk or if it has already leaked.
PGP Tool
PGP Tool is a fast and easy-to-use encryption tool. With it, we can generate, encrypt and decrypt messages online. Thanks to its encryption, you can ensure that your messages are protected. If you want to use it, you can do it through this link. This tool uses PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) technology, with a public and a private key. On the one hand, a public key encrypts messages and files. On the other hand, we have private keys that decrypt these encrypted files.

With PGP Tool, you start by generating a pair of keys. One is public, and the other is private that allows you to encrypt and decrypt files and messages. In order for there to be communication between two people with PGP, it is absolutely necessary that they exchange public keys. Once we have exchanged the public keys, we will have to encrypt the message with the public key of the receiver. Consequently, the receiver will decrypt it with his private key.
If you want to verify the authenticity of the message, you can also do so by signing the message with your private key. What we want is that the recipient uses the associated public key to verify the identity correctly.
Another very interesting tool to improve your security is ToSDR. You can access it here. The terms of service or terms of conditions depending on the name they use on that website are essential. Indeed, they are the ones that establish the rules and regulations that are implemented on that page.

The big problem with the terms of service is that they are often long and difficult to read. In addition, they are frequently located in an inaccessible place. Therefore, it is quite common to read them partially or not at all. Thanks to ToSDR, you can find out if that website you are visiting has terms that you do not agree with.
KB SSL Enforcer Extension
If you look at the URL in your browser, you should see that it starts with HTTPS at the beginning. This is indicating that the website has an SSL certificate. Additionally, it also encrypts all data packets entering and leaving the website. Thanks to data encryption, if cybercriminals steal data packets, they will be useless to them. Many websites already implement HTTPS by default. However, there are still some sites that do not implement this protocol.

If you want to make sure that you only browse secure websites, install the KB SSL Enforcer extension. You will find an open-source browser extension that will implement secure connections every time you enter a website. If a website does not have HTTPS and you are on a public Wi-Fi network, then you should use a VPN to protect data encryption and prevent information from being captured. However, nowadays, the vast majority of websites have HTTPS. In this way, we have seen some tools to improve Internet security. Bye!