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GlassWire is a free firewall for Windows.

When using the Internet, the system and some apps are likely to connect to the network. Of course, most of the time these are...

How to pin a website on the Windows taskbar

The taskbar is one of the favorite elements of Windows 10 users. Indeed, there it is possible to pin apps to have them at...

How to check WiFi signal strength in Windows 10

Hello! The quality of the internet connection depends on many factors. Therefore, we should be aware of all of them. In particular, the Wi-Fi...

install Jitsi Meet on Debian 10

Hello, friends. In this post, you will learn how to install Jitsi Meet on Debian 10. Jitsi Meet is a pretty valid alternative to Google...

How to improve internet connection speed by clearing DNS cache memory.

We certainly depend on the Internet more than ever. Whether for telework, leisure, shopping, or searching for information. Therefore, it is advisable to improve...

Install and configure Mutt on Debian 10

Hello, friends. Can you imagine being able to send an email from the terminal? Of course, it is possible. So, you will learn how...

PRTG – Graphical Network Monitoring In Windows Server

In this article we will let to know what is PRTG (Paessler Router Traffic Grapher) and steps by steps installation in Microsoft Windows Server. What...

Easily open and manage ports

Hello! There are certainly many factors that affect our connection to the Internet. Indeed, the wireless router is one of them. This is a...

How to enable Telnet on Windows Server 2022.

The use of protocols has always been present in the systems. They allow administrators and users to access extra content. Consequently, they improve both...

How to configure a proxy server in Windows 10

There are many possible ways to connect to the Internet. In fact, there are different ways and devices. We can even surf from a...

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