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Best Mozilla Firefox add-ons for web development and design.

Hello! Nowadays, the development and design of a web page is one of the most demanded activities. Moreover, this type of tasks can be affordable for everyone. On the other hand, one of the most popular browsers among web designers and developers is Mozilla Firefox. In fact, it has a large library of extensions that can help us to provide it with greater functionality. One of these features is to help us create our website. That drives us to teach you the Best Mozilla Firefox add-ons for web development and design.

Mozilla Firefox is the favorite of web developers

Firefox has been the browser of choice for web developers for years. In fact, we have already mentioned that it has a series of tools and extensions that allow us to design and debug websites efficiently. Therefore, it is important to know and understand how essentially this browser can be for web designers and developers. Likewise, it is also essential to be familiar with the keys it provides us with to make our workflow faster and more productive.

Mozilla Firefox Web Console and Browser Console

Mozilla Firefox has its developer tools. These are included in the browser itself. These tools are known as the Web Console and the Browser Console. The Web Console is responsible for logging information associated with a web page, such as network requests, JavaScript, CSS, errors and security warnings. In addition, it displays informational, warning and error messages explicitly logged by the JavaScript code that executes in the context of the page.

Through it, we can interact with a web page by executing JavaScript expressions in the context of the page. To access it, just press the keyboard shortcut Control + Shift + K.

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The Browser Console, on the other hand, is like the Web Console, but applies to the entire browser as a whole rather than a single tab of content. Thus, it logs the same type of information as the Web Console (network requests, JavaScript, CSS, security errors and warnings, and messages logged explicitly by JavaScript code).

However, it presents a major difference regarding the previous console. Instead of recording this information for a single content tab, it records information for all content tabs, add-ons, and browser code. To activate it, just press the keyboard shortcut Control + Shift + J.

Useful Firefox add-ons for web developers

Certainly, with the Firefox Developer Tool, the Web Console and the Browser Console we can perform almost any operation. However, some options are more complicated than others. Therefore, to facilitate their work, we can turn to add-ons developed by third parties.

Web Developer

There are many occasions where a web developer needs to have access to all kinds of functions and tools. There are many occasions where a web developer needs to have access to all kinds of functions and tools. In fact, what he is looking for is to be able to perform tasks such as hiding or showing all the photos or activating or deactivating scripts. To help us with this task, the Web Developer extension extends Firefox’s features. With this in mind, it adds a toolbar at the top of any website with various options for working with web pages.

For example, with this bar, we will be able to make modifications to the HTML and CSS code of a page. It also has the option to inspect the CSS styles of the page elements. This way we will know what CCS attributes they have and what styles affect them. In addition, we can change its resolution and even enable or disable JavaScript. You can download Web Developer from the Firefox Browser Add-ons.

Windows Resizer

We are talking about an add-on that allows us to easily change the size and position of the current window in which we are. We will be able to test different sizes and resolutions quickly and accurately. In addition, we will be able to see how our designs appear in standard resolution sizes. Simply open the user interface and select the desired design. Just add that there are 20 predefined designs to choose from. Consequently, the window will be positioned and resized to the chosen layout.

We can also add a new custom design to be added to the user interface. You must keep in mind that its mission is to change the size of the window, but not the page we are viewing. Against it, we must say that its user interface is not very user-friendly. You can download it from here.


This Firefox add-ons is aimed at front-end web developers. It allows us to select web page elements and edit them. We can also change their size, using quick editing controls. To accomplish this, it gives us several options such as changing their colors, which can come in handy when printing. It can also be used to view the source code of one or more elements, and see how the page is created, block by block.

Once installed, we must simply slide the mouse over the page, to see a red rectangle located under each element of the cursor. In turn, it shows us a yellow legend that informs us of the type of HTML element. In addition to its class, in case it exists. By pressing different letters on the keyboard, we can perform different actions. For example, delete the selected element from the page, isolate the element or move the selection rectangle to the element containing it. Download the latest version of Aardvark to start using it.


This is a Firefox add-on specially focused on helping web developers and graphic designers with color-related tasks. Indeed, it provides basic and advanced tools as well. With it, we will be able to determine the colors with which our website is made. With ColorZilla you can get a color reading from anywhere in your browser, quickly adjust this color and paste it into another program.

As mentioned, this tool has very advanced tools. Among them are the Advanced Eyedropper, the Color Picker, a Gradient Generator, among others. With its integrated palette browser, we can choose colors in set and predefined colors. We can also save the ones we use the most to create our own personalized palette. ColorZilla is ready for download from here. Okay, so we have seen the best Mozilla Firefox add-ons for web development and design. Bye!

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