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Windows 11 does not boot. How to fix it.

Computers are not perfect, and neither is the operating system inside them. Indeed, there is always a chance that a bug will occur that is really annoying to us. Surely, this bug will cause Windows to slow down, preventing us from opening applications or browsing the Internet. These bugs can even directly prevent the operating system from loading when the computer is turned on. If this is your case, we are going to tell you the possible solutions that can be given for when you cannot access Windows 11. Also, it will serve you to avoid it when it is an isolated problem that happens every certain time, but it is not permanent. Read on to find out what to do when Windows 11 won’t boot.

Firstly: check the hardware

Keep in mind that software and hardware always go hand in hand. That is why when one of the two parts stops working, you will not be able to use the computer correctly. And it is for that reason that always all the components must be checked to be able to verify if the problem is precisely in the hardware and not in Windows 11.

Storage unit

The main storage drive is the place where all the files that must be read in order to use Windows 11 on a day-to-day basis are located. It does not matter whether it is HDD or SDD. If this component fails, the computer will not be able to boot the operating system. You will most likely see a black screen on the monitor and nothing else will load. If we are lucky, we may see the motherboard BIOS access.

In order to verify if everything is correct, you can open the computer and check if the SSD is properly connected. Another aspect to watch is the temperature of the drive. One advantage is to be able to count on another computer. This way, you can make a change of the storage unit to know if it works properly on another computer.

RAM memory

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RAM is an essential hardware element. However, many users have reported failures with this component. In other words, this problem is more common than you might think. As a result, it has caused the operating system to fail to boot properly. Recall that RAM is basically what connects the data that is processor between the CPU and other components of the computer. Occasionally it may fail or increase in temperature. In such cases, the computer is likely to start up and shut down after a few seconds. Another common failure is that it turns on and shuts down after a few seconds.

In order to check if the RAM memory is related to this boot problem, it is best to verify if it is properly anchored to the motherboard. Remember that the tabs that allow its fastening must be down and not loose. Also, it is possible that your computer has two RAM modules. In that case, you can disconnect one of them. You can then boot up the computer to see if one of the modules is defective. If so, they should be replaced. This is often one of the problems that cause Windows 11 not to boot.

Check temperatures

Computers must have a good cooling system to prevent them from reaching high temperatures. All hardware components must be within a temperature range to function properly. In addition, this prevents them from breaking down. One of the components that must always be under control is the CPU. Remember that it has its own cooling system. If the maximum recommended temperature is exceeded, the computer will shut down or will not be able to load the operating system.

In case Windows 11 does not load because of the temperature, you can check this value through the BIOS. In fact, you can check both the temperature and the fan speed from the configuration panel screen. But this is something you can also find out by listening to the device. In fact, if the temperature is very high, the fans will run at maximum rpm and will therefore be quite loud.

Windows 11 does not boot after upgrading

This failure can become quite common in the case of a recent operating system update. . Sometimes, due to bugs in the compilation, the software cannot be started due to hardware incompatibility. In such cases, this problem can be directly related to software incompatibility. Therefore, in order to solve it, we will run repair commands. Let’s see how to do it:

  • Force the computer to shut down, and reboot several times to run the Automatic Repair mode.
  • A screen with a blue background will load, and you will have to follow the path Advanced> Troubleshoot>Command Prompt.

A black screen corresponding to the command prompt or CMD will automatically load. From there we will be able to enter different commands. To fix this, please enter the command chkdsk c: /f /r and press Enter.

Usually, this command should completely fix the problem that has occurred with Windows 11. But in the event that it doesn’t, you will have to repeat the above steps until you open the command prompt. Then enter the following commands by pressing Enter between each one:

  • bootrec /FixMbr
  • bootrec /FixBoot
  • bootrec /RebuildBcd

Running startup repair in Windows 11

Another possible solution, in case the operating system does not run on your computer, is the Startup repair. This is a tool that analyzes the configuration that the computer must follow at startup in order to find any problem. The steps are as follows:

  • Force power off by pressing the power button for several seconds, and then press it a second time. This will launch the Auto Repair function.
  • In the panel that opens, follow the path Advanced>Troubleshooting>Advanced>Startup Repair.

At this point, it will start a review process of all the configuration and Windows files. In case it detects something wrong, it will try to correct it. Although sometimes it is necessary to reinstall the operating system completely in order to fix a possible corrupted file.

Start safe mode

Safe mode starts Windows in a basic state by limiting files and drivers. In this way, it means that with the default settings, the operating system works correctly. Then, it will be possible to determine that the problem is in one of the controllers. Therefore, the issue must be isolated with different tests and errors. It is even useful to uninstall the last program that you have installed and that may be related to this failure.

To be able to start it from boot, simply follow the steps below:

  • Press and hold the start button to turn off the computer.
  • Press the button again to turn on the computer.
  • When you see the motherboard logo or any message on the screen, press this button again.
  • Press the Start button again to turn it on, and do it a second time when it restarts.
  • Select Advanced options.
  • Follow the path Troubleshoot>Advanced>Startup Settings>Restart.
  • When it is restarting, press option 5 from the list or the F5 key.

Booting the computer from USB

If none of this has solved the problem, you will have to opt for a more radical method, which is to use an external storage unit such as a USB Drive on which Windows 11 is booted. You could even try some GNU/Linux distribution. This requires a second computer on which the operating system can be loaded onto this storage unit so that it can be used on your computer.

To be able to select the Windows 11 boot through another drive other than the SSD or HDD, you have to get into the BIOS of the motherboard. Keep in mind that for each brand of motherboard, the process changes completely. Therefore, it is necessary to check your manual to know exactly how to modify the boot drive.

When you run these files, you will be able to perform a complete reinstallation of the operating system. Therefore, it is possible to correct any problems that may have occurred. But the difficulty in this case is that you can lose all your data if you do not have a backup copy. Well, this way we have learned what to do when Windows 11 won’t boot. See you soon!

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