Believe me! This Windows feature can be your best ally or a real nightmare. Therefore, we will see what they are and how to activate them. Even, according to your taste, we will see how to deactivate them. Please note that Windows has many shortcuts to facilitate its use. In addition, it includes commands and hotkeys to improve accessibility. Especially for people with disabilities. Indeed, the sticky keys improve access to functions without having to use both hands. The operation is simple. Instead of pressing two keys in a single command, it is enough to press a modifier key. Then release it and press the other one. Very well, in this post, we will see that they are sticky keys in Windows 10.
How to activate sticky keys in Windows 10.
A very simple method is to press the Shift key 5 times. In addition, a small alarm will sound. Immediately, a window will ask if you want to activate it or not.

However, this action is temporary. So when restarting or shutting down the computer, the changes will be lost. Therefore, the way to make it permanent is through the Windows settings. You can do it from the same window. Just click on Disable this shortcut… to go to the settings. Alternatively, you can follow this path: Windows Settings>Ease of access>Keyboard>Use Sticky Keys.

As you can see, there are several configuration parameters. Once you configure them to your liking, you can close the window. In this way, they will be permanently activated.
Activating it from the control panel.
It is also possible to activate this function from the control panel. The procedure is very simple. Just follow the following path:
Control Panel>Ease of access>Ease of access center>Make the keyboard easier to use>Make it easier to type

After activating them, you will see the different configuration options available. In addition, from this section, you can also disable them as you wish. Anyway, we have seen what the sticky keys are. Certainly, they can be confusing to use at first. However, with practice, they will be of great help to the user. Bye!